maaliskuu 26, 2024

Erythrina caffra vs E. lysistemon

As per Clare Archer:
E. caffra the standard petal is shorter and spreads widely (into an almost circular shape) to expose the keel, stamens etc.
E. lysistemon standard petal is longer and not spreading widely

Growth habit & leaves are very similar.

Julkaistu maaliskuu 26, 2024 05:08 AP. käyttäjältä suvarna suvarna | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

maaliskuu 25, 2024

URL for summer rainfall region

Julkaistu maaliskuu 25, 2024 06:37 IP. käyttäjältä suvarna suvarna | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

Obtaining Picture number

On the picture that you want, click the cc-i that will open the photo page.
on the right hand side, select the size that you want (e.g. large)
Then on the picture right click: copy image address

Julkaistu maaliskuu 25, 2024 06:17 IP. käyttäjältä suvarna suvarna | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

Obtaining Place Number and the opposite

Go to the place. e.g. greater CFR
and to see the number, add the tsxt ".json"to the url and enter
and your number is 123067

{"id":123067,"name":"Greater Cape Floristic Region","display_name":"Greater Cape Floristic Region","code":"GCFR","latitude":"-31.6149920916","longitude":"19.7696484247","swlat":"-34.9399851516","swlng":"14.7546386719","nelat":"-25.9876748524","nelng":"27.7624511719","woeid":null,"parent_id":113055,"check_list_id":888118,"place_type":1009,"source_name":null,"source_identifier":null,"created_at":"2017-12-03T16:55:21.582+02:00","updated_at":"2021-09-22T21:44:59.593+02:00","user_id":383144,"ancestry":"97392/113055","slug":"greater-cape-floristic-region","source_id":null,"admin_level":null,"uuid":"42bbb8ec-a1c6-4ef1-8a57-69a3ce947863","place_type_name":"Division","html":null,"created_at_utc":"2017-12-03T14:55:21.582Z","updated_at_utc":"2021-09-22T19:44:59.593Z"}
like 1

to convert place to number you use json

to convert number to place use ?place_id=

eg. is South Africa

Julkaistu maaliskuu 25, 2024 06:15 IP. käyttäjältä suvarna suvarna | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

maaliskuu 13, 2024

Obscuring locality

Scenario 1: I make an observation, it's a sensitive species, iNat auto-obscures.
When adding this obs to the redlist S.Afr project, the curator will see the true locality, but only on a specific observation, not when look on the map
iNat community won't see anything.

Scenario 2: I find an orchid, it may be of conservation concern or not, I obscure.
When adding this obs to realise sAfr, the curator will see the true locality
iNat community won't see anything.

In both scenarios, when I joined the Redlist S.Afr project I allowed curators to the the coordinates.

Julkaistu maaliskuu 13, 2024 07:26 AP. käyttäjältä suvarna suvarna | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

maaliskuu 12, 2024

Pics for Legumes/ Fabaceae from Charlie Stirton

For future legume pictures ....

.... a sideview of a flower (detached if in a congested flower head) is like ^gold dust^ for naming species in the pea family. There are just so many yellow-flowered legumes that general pics are mostly only useful to get to genus level.

If it is easy for you to re-photograph this plant can you take and upload a picture of a detached flower side view on and also one with the wing petals removed so that one can see the keel (innermost pair covered by wing petals). The keel should be either ^shoe-shaped^ or more ^U-shaped^. If the anthers are of two types (5 long and 5 short) then we can confirm the genus at least. If it also has inflated pods (fruits) then it is certainly this genus. Hope that helps. There is a possibility it might belong to the genus Argyrolobium which has forest species with very similar leaves and flowers but which have different fruits (long and flattened) and an almost 2-lipped calyx (best seen from side view of a flower) vs 5 distinct teeth in Crotalaria.

Julkaistu maaliskuu 12, 2024 08:51 AP. käyttäjältä suvarna suvarna | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

helmikuu 7, 2024

New species

  1. Ensure it's on the new species project
  2. Check the Genus page if not incorrectly spelled
  3. Check if on the POWO website, if not appearing comment on obs that it's not yet there and thus can't be added to the dictionary
  4. Click More tab - taxa info - scroll to the bottom - create new taxa
  5. Type scientific name - choose species - parent Genus.. the parent ID will appear automatically - save
Julkaistu helmikuu 7, 2024 12:04 IP. käyttäjältä suvarna suvarna | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

lokakuu 20, 2023

Fixing places

Open Place
click edit
add parent: District name
click checklists allowed.
set type to OPEN (type o in box)

Julkaistu lokakuu 20, 2023 11:04 AP. käyttäjältä suvarna suvarna | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

lokakuu 16, 2023

Adding new taxon to iNat

Flag it on the taxon page (in this case Watsonia - find Watsonia:
Check on the taxon tab that the species is not there, by searching the taxa (top menu : other :: Taxa info) Check that it has not been sunk by selecting active and inactive taxa:
If it is not, all that is required is on the Taxon Page, click Curation, and then Flag it, giving the POWO link - e,g,
No need to provide literature if it is already on POWO: if it is not in POWO you need to provide the paper (or alternatively wait a few months for it to go onto POWO).

Julkaistu lokakuu 16, 2023 07:07 AP. käyttäjältä suvarna suvarna | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

elokuu 30, 2023