Month End Report, Feb. 2020 / 二月份的報告

Month End Report, Feb. 2020 (EN/英)
2020 年 二 月份的報告 (TW/台)**
Statistics as of Feb, 2020 二月底的統計資料
....item......... ....number.... comparing with Jan... (MoM)
...........項目 ......................... 數量 ...........增加/減少(比列)
observation 觀察記錄: .....9,478...........+74....(23.33%)
species (& ssp) ..物種: ...136*(139)........+0
people........參與人 數:......812.................+4...(-50%)
The number of obs added to the Project are few in these few months but 10 obs more comparing with last month, which translates 23.33% increase MoM (111.43% YoY). Same reason for such few obs increase, only few species on the flight in Feb.
二月份觀察紀錄偕一月份的比較起來增加了 23.33 %,(偕舊年二月分比起來增加了111.43%)。上主要是因為天氣冷,沒甚麼田蛜偕秤仔。亦有一个管理方面的因素,就是本人這兩个月較貧惰,無翻頭軫去資料庫內底加台灣的田蛜記錄罄起來。
Remarks / 註解

  • Though the Project Statistics on Project cover page show that number of species is as many as 137, one is mistakenly identified. So, it's 136 stated on this report.

** TW is used to indicate Taiwanese Hokkien language here. However, the author well understands that there are several languages in Taiwan and Hokkien is only one of them.

Julkaistu helmikuu 29, 2020 03:29 IP. käyttäjältä aru aru


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