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Julkaistu joulukuu 7, 2013 05:46 IP. käyttäjältä frequentdormantfire frequentdormantfire


I really like your post. We have been struggling through this for the past decade or so. We have developed our own ranking system for both rare species and nonnatives in an attempt to eliminate political boundary bias, and account for global distribution patterns and climate change.

Conservation has become backwards at many scales. We protect and encourage expansion of "edge of range" species that do not necessarily even "belong" to a region, simply due to random political boundary placement. At the same time we ignore species of regional conservation priority (even globally ranked) because they may be common locally. Conversely, as you mentioned, we ignore or attempt to eliminate "distant natives" that may be considered exotic within a given political boundary. Some, if not many of these, may require expansion to persist in changing climates. Is any one thinking at all about species like Ornithogalum umbellatum, which is considered invasive here but is Threatened in its homeland?

Unbelievably, in eastern Ohio many conservation organizations are working hard to establish prairies and prairie species! ! . . eliminating opportunities to foster their real region priorities, such as mature and unbroken forest for our many threatened forest interior species.

Lähettänyt rcurtis melkein 11 vuotta sitten

Thanks! I have a prairie bias, but I agree. In some cases, I think prairie restoration (or doing less and getting 5-20 prairie species in a meadow one call a prairie for the public) is a low and achievable bar for people to set for themselves. Conversely, we have to discourage the state from putting pine trees into nice sand prairies. I didn't know that about Ornithogalum, which I battled (failing) for years in my parents' yard in Iowa and subsequently in my yard when I lived in Kansas...very interesting. I might not venture so far as going intercontinental, but I certainly think the cross-state-lines determinations are ludicrous. I have to watch what I do and say in my job, but I am at least removing the scarlet letter ("A" for "alien") from the next go-round of online range maps for most of the species that are considered native in an adjacent state, and I won't be adding them to the exotic species counts of natural areas. For the many species considered native immediately over the state line in Illinois, I can just borrow coefficients of conservatism (which we use, but I might question how we apply) from Swink and Wilhelm.

Lähettänyt frequentdormantfire melkein 11 vuotta sitten

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