2021 04 16 Murphy Hanrehan

On April 16th I went out with my new lense for the 2nd time this time with much nicer weather to Murphy Hanrehan, which has only started becoming active with birds again in the past few weeks. I saw lots of cool birds including a few Turkey Vultures, a Great Egret, Blue-winged Teals, Ring-Necked Ducks, and American Coots. There were also TURTLES of the Painted variety doing their usual sunbathing stuff. I also got a good photo of a Common Green Darner Dragonfly! :)

There were few Tree Swallows which are super common during the summer in wetlands but they have only just started showing up again. They are super hard to get photos of because they are small and fly in fast erratic patterns but I love watching them skim the top of the water for bugs :)

After I got home I did some birding from my back yard. A Squirrel had figured out our neighbors bird feeder and emptied like half the feeder the day after they put out new food :) One of the new visitors to our yard recently has been some Brown-headed Cowbirds and I got a photo of the female as well as all the usual backyard birbs!

https://photos.app.goo.gl/JqXoFgc2pp6gm5kh8 pics
https://youtu.be/9b_njxTQ2SE Turtle Sunbathing Vid

Julkaistu syyskuu 1, 2022 07:24 AP. käyttäjältä earnoodles earnoodles


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