Black and yellow birds: Black-naped oriole v. Elegant tit

La Mesa Ecopark identification project

  • finished identifying 130 species of observations from Quezon City, Luzon Island, Philippines
  • next step: 72 species to identify from 2023 January to June (page 3 of 4)
  • not gonna lie, I got confused between:
    the Black-naped oriole Oriolus chinensis chinensis and the Elegant tit Periparus elegans

Family Oriolidae: Old World Orioles

Family Paridae: Tits, Chikadees, and Titmice

Both are Order Passeriformes, or Perching Birds.

Ending this post with a beautiful bird call from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, recorded by Benjamin Clock. A wood thrush! -


Julkaistu joulukuu 20, 2023 07:05 IP. käyttäjältä finding_remo finding_remo


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