New England Plant ID-a-thon, Feb. 25-27, 2022

If you're interested in plants in New England, or just want to learn how to make IDs on iNaturalist, this project is for you! Come join the project at

If you've never joined a project before, look for the Join button towards the top right of the page I just linked to. Click that, answer a couple of questions from iNat (the answers don't matter for this project), and you're in! You definitely don't need to be an expert to make IDs on iNat (I'm not), but if you can identify Queen Anne's Lace or Pickerelweed or Striped Maple or Oriental Bittersweet or other common plants like that, you can help out. Making IDs on other people's observations on iNat is an important part of the process towards getting more people involved with the natural world, plus you'll learn a lot.

And what else are you planning for a late February weekend during a pandemic, anyway?

Any questions, feel free to ask!

Julkaistu helmikuu 2, 2022 05:52 IP. käyttäjältä lynnharper lynnharper


This sounds like fun!! I hope we get a lot of snow that weekend!!

Lähettänyt stephanieradner yli 2 vuotta sitten

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