Key to the Mallophora of the United States

  1. Abdomen entirely black......................................................................................................................2
    Abdomen entirely yellow/white or some combination of yellow/white and black......................................3

  2. Hairs of scutellum black, beard yellow................................................................Mallophora atra
    Hairs of scutellum yellow, beard black........................................................Mallophora leschnaulti

  3. Abdomen entirely yellow....................................................................................Mallophora fautrix
    Abdomen black and yellow/white................................................................................................................4

  4. Abdomen mostly yellow but with black tip; body coloration overall dark yellow...................................................Mallophora orcina
    Abdomen mostly white but with black middle; body coloration overall whitish...................................Mallophora bomboides

Julkaistu heinäkuu 14, 2018 04:27 IP. käyttäjältä myelaphus myelaphus


This is a very basic key, only looking at one character (color/pattern of abdominal setae) but it seems to work consistently.

Lähettänyt myelaphus melkein 6 vuotta sitten

Excellent! This will definitely be used and referenced. :)
@gcwarbler @pfau_tarleton @kimberlietx @tadamcochran

Lähettänyt sambiology melkein 6 vuotta sitten

This will be a very useful tool.

Lähettänyt gcsnelling melkein 6 vuotta sitten

Awesome. Thank you!

Lähettänyt tadamcochran melkein 6 vuotta sitten

Great! Bookmarking it. And thanks for ID'ing all of our Robber Flies, Chris!

Lähettänyt kimberlietx melkein 6 vuotta sitten

I wish there was a way to add journal posts to "favorites"...or is there?

Lähettänyt pfau_tarleton melkein 6 vuotta sitten

The best you can do is "Subscribe" near the bottom of the page. The second best you can do is to leave a comment.

More seriously, I also feel a need to "collect" journal posts like one could "collect" favourites.

Lähettänyt beetledude melkein 6 vuotta sitten

Updated the key to include a species newly added to iNat, Mallophora atra. The scutellum, if you're not familiar, is the posterior section of the thorax (see #12

Lähettänyt myelaphus melkein 6 vuotta sitten


Lähettänyt gcsnelling melkein 6 vuotta sitten

Thank you Chris for this easy key. Also, thank you so much for providing resources related to Mallphora fautrix.

Lähettänyt anitapant noin 4 vuotta sitten

I've started posting these helpful guides on my Profile page...I always seem to loose them otherwise

Lähettänyt pfau_tarleton noin 4 vuotta sitten

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