Weird Looks While Walking and Observing

I am particularly fond of urban wildlife and taking the time to observe the amazing diversity of living things that can be found in our neighborhoods and public spaces. As such I often go for walks and keep my phone camera ready for anything that interests me. While in many cases I can just grab a quick snapshot, there are some cases, especially with insects and often with mushrooms, when I need to get a lot closer or want to take a more detailed photos. On some occasions I am noticed by other people, who almost universally seem perplexed by what I'm doing. Case in point today, while taking a quick walk during my lunch break, and finding a nice clump of bolete mushrooms. As I am taking some photos a co-worker (clearly also on a break walk) comes up behind me and say"Hey Nathaniel?" While saying "I'm taking pictures of mushrooms" is definitely an explanation, I find that it does not necessarily make for any less of a look of bewilderment.

I should point out that while I'm observing in populated areas I work very hard to respect private property and also to let people nearby know what I am doing. Not only to hopefully put them at ease, but also on the off chance that they might find interest in the whole naturalist observation thing.

Julkaistu elokuu 12, 2016 08:02 IP. käyttäjältä nathaniellord nathaniellord


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