Life in the Concrete

Lots going on in the backyard that I haven't had the time to document. Still trying to keep track of birds (ebird spot here) as they fly by while I'm working at my desk. Just last week I heard some parrots go by. That's always a great sound to hear, alien as it is.

This morning I came back, after being gone for a few days, to a really cute leaf-roller moth on my Chaparral Mallow (Malacothamnus fasciculatus). I hadn't noticed the rolled leaf and did look pretty closely since the mallow has been having somewhat of an aphid problem. So far the aphids are being treated with a mixture of dish soap, cooking oil, and water. Limited success! I just really don't want to use anything harsh and disturb something like this moth.

Recently added plants are fuchsia-flowered gooseberry (Ribes speciosum, flourishing!), cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) in a planter, laurel sumac (Malosma laurina, also flourishing from a large root cutting), and dwarf nettle (Urtica urens, the source of aphids I suspect). I also added a hummingbird feeder to attract the local Anna's but no luck so far. I can hear them around the neighborhood constantly of course. Oh and city life wouldn't be complete with the ubiquitous and adorable Mus musculus (don't worry, he was freed up the street).

Julkaistu helmikuu 7, 2019 01:07 AP. käyttäjältä pleistocen3 pleistocen3


Kuvat / Äänet


Kotihiiri (Mus musculus)




Tammikuu 31, 2019 23:41 PST


Didn't have the heart to do anything other than drive it up the street and drop it off in an empty lot.

Kuvat / Äänet




Helmikuu 6, 2019 11:52 PST


Found on my potted Chaparral Mallow in the backyard. Note the rolled leaf section and pupa above the moth.


Life finds a way!

Great project to document the urban critters! :)

Lähettänyt sambiology yli 5 vuotta sitten

@sambiology thanks! I was always cynical about urban ecology but when it's all you got you learn to appreciate it!

Lähettänyt pleistocen3 yli 5 vuotta sitten

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