Migrating to Zion

The Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge is well known for its high population of Sandhill Cranes. Each year, during migration they stop at this wildlife sanctuary which is located in Birchwood, Tennessee. Although some cranes overwinter here, most are just passing through. They are actually on their way to places in the south, like Florida.
Bird migration is similar to the journey of life. Earth is not our home. We're just passing through. We are on a journey to heaven — a better land! But we will have to make sacrifices. Our old land (earth) will have to be left behind. What is your "sanctuary" that will have to be left behind? Is is TV, your iPhone, wine, sports, nature, or even your self? Whatever is keeping you from what God wants you to be will have to be left behind. Remember the sacrifices we make are very, very little compared to the joy that God has in store for you. If the Sandhill Cranes ever want to reach the warm climate of Florida, they will have to give up all the good things back at the wildlife sanctuary back in Tennessee.
Sandhill Cranes are programmed to know that when the days get shorter and when food gets scarce it is time to migrate. So when we see signs happening around us we know that Jesus is coming soon. Tumult and confession is all around us. (see Matthew 24) The coming of Jesus is sooner than we think! Jesus is even at the door! It is time that we find a better land to go to. God didn't promise that it would all be easy. There will be storms that we will have to navigate. But by faith we must press on! Like the cranes, we must fly in 'V' formation -- 'V' for Victory! God has promised that He will be there right beside us and give us the victory. In the same way that God guides the cranes to their southern haven, so He will guide us to our heavenly home. If you don't know what direction to go in the you must turn to God. You must turn to the Bible. It is truth and it will guide you south! Trust in the Lord! He who guided the descendants of Abraham to the promised land will surely lead you to true satisfaction in Christ! (read Numbers 13:30)
I have a question for you, "Have you ever seen a lone migrating Sandhill Crane?" No! Your motivation to go to heaven will most definitely cause others to follow. It will cause a huge "V" to come behind you! Heaven is a land where their is peace, joy, happiness, and an aboundance of God's creation! And in heaven all animals will be tame. (see Isaiah 11) Most importantly we will be in the presence of Jesus, the One who guided us on our migration to Zion!

Julkaistu helmikuu 18, 2022 01:59 AP. käyttäjältä prestonthomas prestonthomas


Kuvat / Äänet


Hietakurki (Antigone canadensis)




Joulukuu 16, 2021 12:55 EST


It was great to come and see so many Sandhill cranes at their great migration stop. It reminded me how are on a great migration too. We have a better home to look forward to. That is heaven! We can leave a world where the cold storms whip around our faces and head to a more tropical land! Jesus is coming soon and I hope each one of you have set your heart to that land just like the sandhill crane!


I love the last illustration about no lone migrants! Since it is obvious we aren't immediately taken to heaven upon salvation, there must be a purpose we are left to live out our lives here. And that purpose is to lead others to heaven as well. I may have to "steal" that from you and add to my goose migration Creation Speaks lesson! https://williamwisephoto.com/here-am-i-where-are-you.html
Great read, and thanks for the testimony to Christ you provide here on your iNat journal. William

Lähettänyt williamwisephoto yli 2 vuotta sitten

Fill free to “steal” that illustration! Your goose migration Creation Speaks lesson was really inspiring! Is Creation Speaks a ministry that you started?

Lähettänyt prestonthomas yli 2 vuotta sitten

Yes, it is basically a series of articles that can also be taught in a Sunday School or Bible Study format. I taught for a period of about 2 years at my church until COVID. We will probably start up again soon. Lessons on animals, like the "Here Am I" one linked above, and a several month series on the days of creation. https://williamwisephoto.com/creationspeaks.html

Lähettänyt williamwisephoto yli 2 vuotta sitten

Thanks for sharing the website! I definitely will have to check it out! Maybe I will use some of the Creation Speaks articles during my church's class time. (I love nature object lessons!) I already have used your Joy in the Sharing illustration in a sermon I preached not to long ago.

Lähettänyt prestonthomas yli 2 vuotta sitten

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