Personal psyllid targets for 2018

Goals are good. To date I've photographed 51 psyllid species in the wild, and here are ~20 more species I'd like to add to that total this year, plus a few that I'd like to revisit for various reasons. I don't think these targets are entirely unreasonable and I feel like I can probably get most of them with enough persistence. These goals don't assume any major unplanned travel so as new destinations are planned I can certainly add to this list.

Never before photographed species
Leurolophus vittatus - on Rhus virens
Neophyllura arbuticola - on Arbutus arizonica
Aphalaroida rauca - on Prosopis juliflora / glandulosa
Freysuila phorodendri - on Phoradendron (never photographed as an adult)
Cacopsylla minuta - on Purshia sp.
Purshivora chelifera - on Purshia sp.
Levidea lineata - on Parthenium incanum (probably)

Species photographed prior, but not by me
Pseudophacopteron sp. n. - unknown host but would like to investigate Bursera microphylla as a potential lead
Calophya triozomima - on Rhus aromatica
Aphalaroida pithecolobia - on Senegalia greggii
Aphalaroida prosopis - on Prosopis juliflora
Aphalaroida spinifera - on Prosopis juliflora / velutina
Heteropsylla sp. - on Acacia angustissima - photographed prior incidentally by James Bailey
Euglyptoneura robusta - on Ceanothus
Pexopsylla cercocarpi - on Cercocarpus
Bactericera lobata - on Lycium
Calinda collaris - on Baccharis salicifolia / glutinosa
Calinda longicaudata - on Baccharis pteroniodes
Calinda longistylus - on Baccharis salicifolia / salicina / sarothroides
Leuronota maculata - on Celtis pallida
Trioza phoradendri - on Phoradendron

Species I'd like to encounter again
Pachypsylla venusta - Hackberry Petiole Gall Psyllid - galls photographed in 2017, would like to find/rear adults
Pachypsylla pallida - Hackberry Hairy Bud Gall Psyllid - *galls photographed in 2017, would like to find/rear adults
Tetragonocephala flava - Hackberry Lerp Psyllid - *lerps photographed in 2017, would like to find adults
Cacopsylla coryli - Purshia Psyllid - *adults and nymphs photographed in 2017 but would like to collect more and see if multiple species are involved on this host

Kuwayama medicaginis - found in 2017 but host remains unknown
Trioza ?sulcata - nymph found in 2017 on Amelanchier but adult is needed

Julkaistu tammikuu 12, 2018 07:12 IP. käyttäjältä psyllidhipster psyllidhipster


I expect, depending on location, we may ask help from botanists in the area in advance, so we know where the plants may be.

Lähettänyt silversea_starsong yli 6 vuotta sitten

Definitely ! And then there are those hosts like Ceanothus / Arctostapyhlos / Salix / Cercocarpus that aren't hard to find and have quite a few associated species , but no guarantee that they'll be the species we want

Lähettänyt psyllidhipster yli 6 vuotta sitten

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