Looking for Lewisia leeana in 2016

This was not a great year for exploration. I spent a total of less than two weeks in the field. The only trip I took to a new area was a disappointment. Even though we had better than normal precipitation, the mountains were still dry after the previous three years of drought.

13-14 June My first trip was a bust because the first night out, I realized that our wedding anniversary was two days away. I failed to see any Lewisia leeana on the trip.

See: https://www.inaturalist.org/calendar/sekihiker/2016/6/13

12-15 July The second trip in mid-July to Woodchuck Lake was productive. I went down the creek toward Upper Box, climbed the hill north of the lake and explored the ridge east of it. I made 49 observations of L. leeana. See: https://www.inaturalist.org/calendar/sekihiker/2016/7/12

27-28 July The third trip in late July was to an area I had never visited. I originally planned to hike to Bear Mountain. After crossing from Nelson Lakes to Chinquapin Lakes I changed my mind. It was so dry, barely anything was still in bloom. I saw no L. leeana at the higher elevations which was very discouraging. I turned around after one night and went home. See:https://www.inaturalist.org/calendar/sekihiker/2016/7/27

24-27 August My last trip was a return to Spanish Mountain. I explored the area surrounding Upper Geraldine Lake. L. leeana was not in bloom and the plants were very dry. A highlight of the trip was a climb up Spanish Mountain where I saw one of the densest stands of L. leeana I have ever seen. Unfortunately, they were not blooming. I made 36 observations of L. leeana. Not a single plant was blooming.
See: https://www.inaturalist.org/calendar/sekihiker/2016/8/24

Julkaistu lokakuu 28, 2017 02:35 AP. käyttäjältä sekihiker sekihiker


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