FJ5 - Field Observation

Date: 03/30/21
Weather: Clear skis, little to no wind, and sunny
Temperature: 55
Habitat where observations were taken: Back yard, White pine and oak surrounding forest, also borders a wetland

Out of all the species I observed, each are non-migratory. Most of these birds forego migration because their food sources don't disappear, and they are built to withstand the cold. In regard to food, the species observed will all eat nuts, berries, seeds, and fruit. All of which are available during Vermont winters. Contrarily, birds that rely on insects typically migrant due to their food source being gone. Furthermore, my observed species all have ways to stay warm during winter. Techniques like fluffing allow for feathers to trap air and in turn, insulate the bird. Some species, like crows, will roost together to trap body heat and stay warm. Lastly, simple actions, like facing into the wind, conserves heat by keeping the feathers down.

While I didn't see any Canada Goose on the day of my observations, they have been flocking back to VT over these past few weeks. Typically during the winter, Canada Geese will fly south. When breeding season comes around, they return to northern regions. However, depending on conditions, Canada geese will stay year-round. The biggest determining factor is whether or not water freezes over. Geese need open water to be able to get away from predators and dive for food. Once the first cold front hits and water bodies start to freeze, geese will start to head to warmer destinations. When considering the advantages and disadvantages of arriving in early April, a big one is fluctuations in weather patters. While it is starting to get warmer, VT still gets freezing temps and snow storms. In addition, spring time flooding from snow melt makes a lot of habitat surrounding rivers, ponds, etc unavailable. For advantages, arriving in early April means first dibs on territories since some species have still not arrived. Having plants coming in and grass turning green also indicates a readily available food source.

While I didn't see any migratory birds (obligate or facultative) during my observations, I decided to do this activity on Canada geese.
Canada Goose: From lake Champlain to Atlanta, GA is about 1,020 miles. However, this distance will vary depending on where the bird is coming from and where it is going.

Julkaistu huhtikuu 5, 2021 04:48 IP. käyttäjältä vbessette vbessette


Kuvat / Äänet

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Amerikanhömötiainen (Poecile atricapillus)




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Punakardinaali (Cardinalis cardinalis)




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Amerikannakkeli (Sitta carolinensis)




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Puistotiainen (Baeolophus bicolor)




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Amerikanvaris (Corvus brachyrhynchos)




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