

Blog post on the contents of my 2023 insect hotels

If anyone wants to see what I do with my nesting tunnels during the winter, I wrote a post with tips and photographs of the occupants (mason bees, wasps, Houdini flies). When possible, I included links to what they'll look like as adults. Post also has information on how to make your own insect hotel and where to buy them.

Trypoxylon cocoons

Julkaistu tammikuu 25, 2024 01:58 IP. käyttäjältä colinpurrington colinpurrington | 3 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
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Organisms observed at human-constructed insect hotels with holes. E.g., mason bees, leafcutter bees, carder bees, resin bees, cuckoo bees, and nest-provisioning, solitary wasps. Plus inquilines and anything that might be eating tenants (mites, parasitic wasps and flies, woodpeckers, fungi, etc.).

colinpurrington loi tämän projektin kesäkuu 5, 2018
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