Projektin GRE California Naturalist Class of 2021 Päiväkirja

joulukuu 8, 2020

Baylands Field Trip Observations

Wow, y'all have made so many observations already! Great job. I hope iNat has been helpful in your explorations of the baylands.
A tip - you can use the same filters that Tony demonstrated with the Explore feature within a project to search for observations. Keep this in mind as we continue with our self paced field trips and as more and more observations are added! For example, you can filter to see only the observations from the Palo Alto Baylands:
Or only the bird species observed at the Baylands:
Try out using the filters for yourself!

Friendly reminders about iNaturalist best practices:

  • Please do not upload observations without naming them - if you have no idea what genus/species it is, that's fine! We're all here to learn. Type in Plants, Animals, or Fungi as a rough/high level ID (or Bird, Insect, Fern, etc if you know that much). Observations listed as "Unknown" are harder for other iNat community members to find and help identify.
  • Consider whether you need to label your observation as Captive/Cultivated. This is mostly relevant for plants in neighborhoods/around your home, but can certainly apply to other organisms found elsewhere. From iNat's FAQ: Checking captive /cultivated means that the observation is of an organism that exists in the time and place it was observed because humans intended it to be then and there. Learn more here:

Comment with questions or cool finds!

Julkaistu joulukuu 8, 2020 09:47 IP. käyttäjältä grassrootsecology grassrootsecology | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

joulukuu 3, 2020

Welcome to the class iNat project!

Hi everyone!
The observations you make over the length of the course (Week 1 to Week 10) will be automatically collected in this project. You do not need to add them manually. We'll briefly go over this project during the first class, and your technical iNat questions should be covered in Tony Iwane's presentations - the recording with the basics and his presentation on Thursday the 3rd. Message or tag @grassrootsecology with any additional questions!


  • Make at least 10 observations during the course.
  • Always give your observation some kind of rough identification even if you don't exactly know what it is (Animal, Plant, Fungi are fine!). No "Unknowns" please :).
  • Use the iNat suggestions to help you get an ID, but don't rely on those exclusively. Only ID to a level that you are confident in (see above), the community will help with the rest!
  • Label your observation Captive/Cultivated if necessary.
  • If you're observing near your home, consider obscuring the geolocation.
  • Help ID fellow Cal Nats' observations if you can!
  • Review, comment on, and ask questions of each other's observations.
  • This isn't a competition!
  • Go beyond the identification - learn more about the organism you observed by visiting its taxon page.

Happy iNat-ing!

Julkaistu joulukuu 3, 2020 06:36 IP. käyttäjältä grassrootsecology grassrootsecology | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
