Meliprivesa disturbata (Melichar, 1898)

The genus Meliprevisa has been decribed by Melichar (first as Neoprivesa, later renamed to Meliprivesa by Metcalf 1952) and contains only two Afrotropical species.
The shape of the tegmina is the same as in Privesa: Tegmina twice as long as wide.
Description of wing venation in:
Melichar, L. 1923. Homoptera; fam. Acanaloniidae, Flatidae et Ricaniidae. Genera Insectorum. Bruxelles 182

Description of Meliprivesa distrubata in:
Melichar, L. 1898. Monographie der Ricaniiden (Homoptera). Annalen des k.k Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Wien 13
Yellowish-brown, frons as wide as long, significantly less narrowed towards the clypeus than in exuta, the lateral margins almost semicircular, pale yellowish-white, with three distinct carinae, which reach only to the middle of the frons, along the upper edge of the frons a broad brown transverse band, which is interrupted by the yellowish-white carinae of the frons, in the middle of the frons a brown transverse spot. Clypeus keeled in the middle, with a series of oblique transverse stripes on either side of the carina. On the side of the head two black dots in front of the edge of the eyes, the antennal pits black, ocelli ruby ​​red; on the thoracic lobe of the pronotum a large black spot. Vertex and pronotum yellowish brown, with indistinct darker spots. Scutellum strongly arched, rusty brown on the disc, with three longitudinal carinae, the bifurcation of the lateral carinae very indistinct, the lateral carinae united with the median carina far from the anterior edge of the scutellum. Tegmina marked similarly to exuta, on the costal edge three hyaline spots, the first two are semicircular, the second, middle one is the largest and does not contain a dark marginal spot, the third in front of the apical tip is small and square. From the edge of the clavus (namely from the angle of the clavus), a brown wavy line runs towards the costa, which disappears in the darker color of the costal margin between the first two costal spots. This line is absent in exuta. The apical margin is speckled with numerous hyaline spots. Hindwings glassy, ​​with brown veins, which are somewhat denser than in exuta, the posterior edge broadly smoky brown. Thorax ventrally and legs yellowish white, the tips of the spines and the claws dark, abdomen yellow brown.

Type locality: Maputo, Mozambique

iNat observation:

Julkaistu maaliskuu 11, 2024 07:41 AP. käyttäjältä traianbertau traianbertau


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