

Meriden Natural Resources Inventory

An update of the Meriden Natural Resources Inventory is underway, and the team could use your help with its citizen science efforts.

We will hold a series of mini bioblitzes throughout the year with a focus on a particular taxa, although all observations are welcome not just on bioblitz days but throughout the year. We'll kick off the series with a bird focus on April 17. (It's also a good time for amphibians, hint, HINT!) We'll have spotting scopes set up at Hubbard Park, and all birders are encouraged to explore Meriden's many habitats to see how many different species we can identify in one day. We also welcome and encourage backyard observations. You can find the April 17 bioblitz at https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/meriden-nri-bioblitz-birds.

Observations submitted to iNaturalist, will be automatically added to the project.

If you'd like to join ...lisää ↓

Julkaistu huhtikuu 7, 2021 11:43 AP. käyttäjältä kellyfuerstenberg kellyfuerstenberg | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
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Even in a small city like Meriden, nature is all around us. Let's reconnect to the natural world. Stop and observe, look for something that might otherwise go unnoticed. This citizen science project is one in which everyone can participate. Perhaps it will offer a platform for Scouts and schools to teach children, and perhaps some adults will discover or rekindle a love for wild things.

kellyfuerstenberg loi tämän projektin helmikuu 22, 2015
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