Growing scattered in a grassy area under Carya ovata, Quercus sect. Quercus, Quercus sect. Lobatae, Acer saccharum and Cercis canadensis. Covering a wide area and locally abundant.
Young pores dark red, becoming orange with a lighter margin in age. Pores bruising blue before fading to gray. Stem bruising blue. Reticulation giving way to pruina toward the base of the stem. Basal mycelium whitish. Context pale yellowish, staining bright blue. Odor and taste not distinctive. NH4OH pinkish-red on the cap, erasing bluing on the context and turning the stem surface whitish. 5% KOH yellowish-brown on the cap, pale brown and erasing bluing on the context and pores, and yellowish brown on the stem. 10% FeSO4 purplish on the cap and faintly grayish on the context and stem surface.
Smells sweet and definitely tastes sweet, blues immediately, yellow mycelium
In pitch pine forest on grassy edge of road. Very fragile ring, yellowish stem more tan at apex, yellowish warts. My initial thought was Amanita persicina when I saw the small specimens, but then there were these vivid red individuals. Consensus on FB Amanita of North America seemed to be persicina. Unfortunately I did not save a specimen.