Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle heinäkuu 2019

heinäkuu 3, 2019

Firsts! First Bird Banding and...

This is just a quick note to document the firsts. I've now see the Black-capped Vireo, the Bewick's Wren (for iNat) and the Bue-grey Gnatcatcher.

We talked our way into the event. It was a chance to meet a local active birder (Gil E.) and to connect with local Audubon and scientists at Fort Hood.

There was a chance, if a small window, to see a Burrowing Owl. The owl is still out there - seen by some, but not by us.

There will be another banding in March. I plan to be there.

Julkaistu heinäkuu 3, 2019 01:16 AP. käyttäjältä alflinn329 alflinn329 | 7 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti