lokakuu 13, 2024

10/12 Trail Walk

Temperature: ~76°F
Weather Conditions: Partly sunny
Wind: ~East-West, ~12 mph
Humidity: ~13%
Pressure: ~1.004 atm
Visibility: 10 mi

Source: https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/@z-us-80831/historic

Julkaistu lokakuu 13, 2024 03:50 AP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 84 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

syyskuu 20, 2024

09/19 Trail Walk

Bonus observations!!!

Temperature: ~71°F
Weather Conditions: Passing clouds
Wind: ~South-North, ~14 mph
Humidity: ~23%
Pressure: ~1.001 atm
Visibility: 10 mi

Source: https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/@z-us-80831/historic

Julkaistu syyskuu 20, 2024 01:15 AP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 130 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

syyskuu 18, 2024

Personal Data

Julkaistu syyskuu 18, 2024 10:57 IP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

syyskuu 17, 2024

09/01 Trail Walk

I ended up having to be particularly hasty with this one, so I couldn't gather as many observations. I may attempt another for September, though this will be my "official" one as far as tracking monthly changes.
Temperature: ~74°F
Weather Conditions: Passing clouds
Wind: ~South/southeast-North/northwest, ~9.5 mph
Humidity: ~30%
Pressure: 1.009 atm
Visibility: 10 mi
Source: https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/@z-us-80831/historic?month=9&year=2024

Julkaistu syyskuu 17, 2024 10:25 IP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 33 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

elokuu 17, 2024


Quantitative Milestones (Decided by date added, not date of actual observation)
First Observation: American Robin (Turdus migratorius), 09/04/2023
10th Observation: Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica), 09/04/2023
100th Observation: Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), 05/03/2024
1,000th Observation: Cottontail Rabbits (Genus Sylvilagus), 06/08/2024
2,000th Observation: Bees (Epifamily Anthophila), 07/04/2024
3,000th Observation: Two-tailed Swallowtail (Papilio multicaudata), 08/05/2024
4,000th Observation: Grass Spiders (Genus Agelenopsis), 09/05/2024
5,000th Observation: Spiders (Order Araneae), 10/04/2024
6,000th Observation: Hasn't happened yet!
7,000th Observation: Hasn't happened yet!
8,000th Observation: Hasn't happened yet!
9,000th Observation: Hasn't happened yet!

Category Firsts (Decided by date added, not date of actual observation)
🌿 First Research-Grade Observation in Kingdom Chromista (Kelp, Diatoms, and Allies): Hasn't happened yet!
🍃 First Research-Grade Observation in Kingdom Plantae (Plants): Creeping Thistle (Cirsium arvense), 09/04/2023
🐍 First Research-Grade Observation in Class Reptilia (Reptiles): Plains Garter Snake (Thamnophis radix), 09/05/2023
🕷️ First Research-Grade Observation in Class Arachnida (Arachnids): Bold Jumping Spider (Phidippus audax), 09/22/2023
🐁 First Research-Grade Observation in Class Mammalia (Mammals): Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger), 09/04/2023
🦠 First Research-Grade Observation in Kingdom Protozoa (Protozoans): Hasn't happened yet!
🐸 First Research-Grade Observation in Class Amphibia (Amphibians): Woodhouse's Toad (Anaxyrus woodhousii), 08/05/2024
🐾 First Research-Grade Observation in Kingdom Animalia (Animals): Common Pill Woodlouse (Armadillidium vulgare), 06/04/2024
🐌 First Research-Grade Observation in Phylum Mollusca (Mollusks): Hasn't happened yet!
🦋 First Research-Grade Observation in Class Insecta (Insects): Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui), 09/04/2023
🐟 First Research-Grade Observation in Class Actinopterygii (Ray-Finned Fishes): Hasn't happened yet!
🍄 First Research-Grade Observation in Kingdom Fungi (Fungi including Lichens): Salt-loving Agaricus (Agaricus bernardii), 09/04/2023
🐦 First Research-Grade Observation in Class Aves (Birds): American Robin (Turdus migratorius), 09/04/2023
❓First Research-Grade Observation of Unplaced Taxon (Bacteria, Viruses, etc.): Hasn't happened yet!

Other Categories
🕒 Earliest Observation: Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (Callospermophilus lateralis), 05/18/2008
⭐ Most Favorited Observation: Cannot be Determined
💬 Observation With the Most Comments: Cannot be Determined

Julkaistu elokuu 17, 2024 04:03 AP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 17 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

elokuu 5, 2024

08/05 Trail Walk

Temperature: ~88°F
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy
Wind: ~North/northeast-South/southwest, ~19.5 mph
Humidity: 23.5%
Pressure: 1.001 atm
Visibility: 10 mi

Julkaistu elokuu 5, 2024 08:29 IP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 88 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

heinäkuu 7, 2024

07/06 Trail Walk

Intended to do this on July 4th, but early fireworks prevented me from finishing it.

Temperature: ~84.5°F
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy
Wind: ~North-South, ~7.5 mph
Humidity: 15%
Pressure: ~0.9965 atm
Visibility: 10 miles

Source: https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/@z-us-80831/historic

Julkaistu heinäkuu 7, 2024 03:24 IP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 100 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

heinäkuu 6, 2024

Happy (belated) 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day, to everyone it actually affects/concerns. Unless you're the twat in my neighborhood who decided 2:00 P.M. was an acceptable time to shoot off ILLEGAL FIREWORKS, forcing me to abort the trail walk I had planned to emotionally support my dogs during this holiday. Raya panicked so hard that she got into our grill and shredded both the cover and the wiring, and now the grill is ✨useless✨!

I'm not even mad at my dogs though, I'm mad at the idiot who decided to use loud fireworks in a neighborhood that literally has more dogs than children. People like them are why lost pet numbers surge after Independence Day!

The 4th of July is definitely one of those holidays that gets worse as you get older, isn't it?

Dogs in question(Raya is on the right, Kuma is on the left):

(don't worry about the backyard, this is a slightly older picture. it looks much better now.)

Julkaistu heinäkuu 6, 2024 02:00 AP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 22 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

heinäkuu 4, 2024

help me

Is there anyone who knows what jumping spider species has the following traits?

  • Dark/black body
  • Brown/copper limbs and pedipalps
  • Extremely small size, possibly only a few millimeters (I suck at visual measurements so I can't be precise, but I can say that they are extremely small)
  • Found in Colorado

I keep finding these little spiders but can't identify them! I'm fairly confident they're all the same species.

Julkaistu heinäkuu 4, 2024 02:30 AP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 7 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

kesäkuu 27, 2024

Today was a good day :)

Found a painted pair, a spotless "two-spotted" lady beetle, and also had my first encounter with a LeConte's Giant Lady Beetle in the yard all in the span of one day!

Side note: Why is it called the "two-spotted" lady beetle if it can have anywhere from 0 to 12 spots, or even have bands? Doesn't seem like the greatest name, in my opinion. I've still yet to find one that actually has two spots because nature just seems to keep tossing me the weirder forms.

The giant lady beetle observation was 100% worth having to clean mulch and dead grass off my socks afterwards for. First of its kind for me right there and I was not going to let that opportunity slip!

Julkaistu kesäkuu 27, 2024 04:55 AP. käyttäjältä antimatterbee antimatterbee | 4 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti