Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle kesäkuu 2018

kesäkuu 26, 2018

New Camera, New Observations!

My brother generously gifted me with a new camera this past Saturday, 2018/06/23. My old one still works great but is over 10 years old and just doesn't have the power capabilities I need for wildlife photography. I'm still rather new to the photography world and I'm still learning what settings work best for my captures. Overall, I am pleased with the new camera so far (Canon PowerShot ELPH 360 HS) and I am looking forward to recording new observations with it!

Check out the Anna's Hummingbird below:

Julkaistu kesäkuu 26, 2018 05:25 IP. käyttäjältä archaeopteryx archaeopteryx | 1 havainto | 3 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
