Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle marraskuu 2021

marraskuu 1, 2021

Birds of Indian Creek Ranch

These are confirmed sightings of bird species at Indian Creek Ranch. Some of these are just fly-bys.

brewer's blackbird
yellow-headed blackbird
eastern bluebird
western bluebird
northern bobwhite
indigo bunting
lazuli bunting
painted bunting
varied bunting
crested caracara
northern cardinal
gray catbird
yellow-breasted chat
carolina chickadee
brown-headed cowbird
bronzed cowbird
sandhill crane
whooping crane
common ground dove
eurasian collared-dove
mourning dove
white-winged dove
whistling duck
golden eagle
cattle egret
snowy egret
prairie falcon
house finch
cassin's finch
northern flicker
acadian flycatcher
ash-throated flycatcher
hammond's flycatcher
scissor-tailed flycatcher
vermilion flycatcher
blue-gray gnatcatcher
american goldfinch
lesser goldfinch
common grackle
great-tailed grackle
blue grosbeak
black-headed grosbeak
rose-breasted grosbeak
northern harrier
cooper's hawk
harris's hawk
red-tailed hawk
sharp-shinned hawk
swainson's hawk
zone-tailed hawk
great blue heron
anna's hummingbird
black-chinned hummingbird
broad-billed hummingbird
broad-tailed hummingbird
calliope hummingbird
lucifer hummingbird
ruby-throated hummingbird
rufous hummingbird
woodhouse's scrub-jay
dark-eyed junco
american kestrel
eastern kingbird
western kingbird
golden-crowned kinglet
ruby-crowned kinglet
purple martin
western/eastern meadowlark
northern mockingbird
common nighthawk
red-breasted nuthatch
audubon's oriole
baltimore oriole
bullock's oriole
hooded oriole
orchard oriole
scott's oriole
eastern screech-owl
elf owl
great horned owl
eastern wood-pewee
eastern phoebe
say's phoebe
pine siskin
american pipit
sprague's pipit
common poorwill
montezuma quail
common raven
american redstart
greater roadrunner
american robin
red-naped sapsucker
yellow-bellied sapsucker
loggerhead shrike
wilson's snipe
townsend's solitaire
black-throated sparrow
chipping sparrow
clay-colored sparrow
field sparrow
fox sparrow
house sparrow
lark sparrow
lincoln's sparrow
olive sparrow
rufous-crowned sparrow
savannah sparrow
song sparrow
white-crowned sparrow
white-throated sparrow
vesper sparrow
barn swallow
cliff swallow
northern rough-winged swallow
scarlet tanager
summer tanager
western tanager
brown thrasher
long-billed thrasher
sage thrasher
hermit thrush
black-crested titmouse
canyon towhee
spotted towhee
wild turkey
bell's vireo
black-capped vireo
blue-headed vireo
hutton's vireo
red-eyed vireo
white-eyed vireo
yellow-throated vireo
black vulture
turkey vulture
blackburnian warbler
black-and-white warbler
black-throated green warbler
golden-cheeked warbler
macgillivray's warbler
mourning warbler
nashville warbler
orange-crowned warbler
pine warbler
prothonotary warbler
tennessee warbler
wilson's warbler
yellow warbler
yellow-throated warbler
yellow-rumped warbler
cedar waxwing
acorn woodpecker
golden-fronted woodpecker
ladder-backed woodpecker
bewick's wren
canyon wren
carolina wren
house wren

Julkaistu marraskuu 1, 2021 10:33 IP. käyttäjältä bacchusrock bacchusrock | 2 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

marraskuu 14, 2021

Montezuma Quail in central Texas

This article is written by researchers studying Montezuma Quail. They have spent time at Indian Creek Ranch a few times to study the population there.


Julkaistu marraskuu 14, 2021 04:29 IP. käyttäjältä bacchusrock bacchusrock | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti