toukokuu 12, 2022

Barnhill and Fryent Country Parks Gaderbrook Project - Barnhill Conservation Group Registered Charity

Further Bittercress found on the southern bank of Gaderbrook brook. This is evidence that our recent Brent Gaderbrook project is increasing the biodiversity in Fryent Country Park. Updates as we find them.

Julkaistu toukokuu 12, 2022 12:18 IP. käyttäjältä brentparks brentparks | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

helmikuu 26, 2022

Barnhill Frogspawn - Early 2022

32 clumps of frogspawn have appeared (early), in the Barnhill ponds.

Sighted: 26th February 2022.

Though we are delighted to see them we are also concerned that this is earlier than typical for these frogs.

We'll keep you updated as to the status / progress of the tadpoles.

Julkaistu helmikuu 26, 2022 10:03 IP. käyttäjältä brentparks brentparks | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

helmikuu 3, 2022

Sightings Barnhill

Butterflies: Brown Hairstreak Thecla betulae - Rare and difficult to capture on camera, has been seen last summer. We hope to get some footage to share this year.

Source internet search. Cited Butterfly Conservation 3/02/22

Julkaistu helmikuu 3, 2022 09:11 IP. käyttäjältä brentparks brentparks | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

joulukuu 3, 2021

Barnhill Conservation Group

Wildlife recording with Barn Hill Conservation Group
Barn Hill Conservation Group run a number of wildlife recording projects.
Surveys also aim to provide information about how conservation work is
affecting wildlife. A key output from surveys are the records of the wildlife.
The essence of a wildlife record or biological record as they are usually
called, are five crucial pieces of information. Those are the species name
(correctly identified), date, location (a grid reference is the standard, but
other systems may be used plus text descriptions to provide further
information), the number/s of the species observed, and the recorder’s
name. Additional information may include the life stage of the species (for
example, egg, adult), habitat information, time and weather; and other
data depending upon the survey.
Records are data. They provide information to others. And knowledge
when analysis is shared. Barn Hill Conservation Group uses records locally
to inform local conservation; and shares the records with wildlife
organisations such as the London Natural History Society regionally and
with the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. At some stage the records go
through the county Biological Records Centre, in our case Greenspace
Information for Greater London (GiGL for short; pronounced ‘giggle’) and
are further shared with the National Biodiversity Network.
Records need to be accurate including the species identification. For this
reason, there are checks within each recording scheme and a process of
‘validation’ and ‘verification’. Data protection is important. On the human
side it can be seen from the list of five essentials above, that records also
contain personal data about the recorder themselves which is subject to
the General Data Protection Act.
While records are shared, they are submitted once only, as entry into
different schemes would involve duplicating the work while also causing
confusion when the records are analysed and stored.
Recording schemes differ and the technology is advancing. A range of
Apps (for example, iNaturalist, iRecordButterflies) are available for field
use and in some cases to aid identification. Apps also have the advantage
of automatically providing an accurate grid location, date and time if a
record is made in real time, or the record is accompanied by a
Barn Hill Conservation Group survey and monitor populations of the
Common Frog, butterflies and meadow plants. The Group also records
rainfall at Roe Green Walled Garden with a rain gauge station that is part
of the national Meteorological Office coverage. Other surveys may have
more individual requirements and include: Hedgerows, Great Crested ​
Newts (under Licence at Roe Green Walled Garden), occasional records,
and invasive species.
The Group encourages anyone interested in learning or joining to make

Julkaistu joulukuu 3, 2021 06:02 IP. käyttäjältä brentparks brentparks | 1 kommentti | Jätä kommentti

marraskuu 20, 2021

New Area added - Kensal Rise !

Great collection of Kensal observations.

Julkaistu marraskuu 20, 2021 12:53 AP. käyttäjältä brentparks brentparks | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

marraskuu 5, 2021

Brent Climate Event.

As part of our borough's focus on Climate Change - we have launched this Project to encourage residents and groups of to explore and protect the habitats for biodiversity in Brent.

New areas have been enhanced by parks groups' volunteers who have restored key areas near to schools to protect wildlife. Existing areas are being cared for by volunteers in partnership with our Council, which is essential for the protection of our wildlife as an educational, Health and Wellbeing asset for generations to come.

Julkaistu marraskuu 5, 2021 06:50 IP. käyttäjältä brentparks brentparks | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
