toukokuu 9, 2022

Black Locust

While looking for Carolina indigo, I found what I believe to be black locust. Here is a young sapling. This is from the observation

young black locust tree

Very close by was a larger tree that I observed at three different times and stages. Here it is in July without flowers or obvious seeds, although I think I saw 2 things that might have been pods. This is from the observation

Here is the bark.

Here it is in February with pods visible and no leaves. This is from the observation

pods in winter

And here it is in April with clusters of white flowers and some leaves. This is from the observation

white flowers

Julkaistu toukokuu 9, 2022 12:16 AP. käyttäjältä differentdrummer differentdrummer | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

heinäkuu 27, 2021

Saw Palmetto

Below is a typical saw palmetto plant. They look very much the same all year long. This is from the observation

typical saw palmetto

The next picture is a saw palmetto plant observed flowering on May 30. It had at least two flower spikes. This is from the observation

saw palmetto with flower spikes

This is a close-up of one of the flower spikes.
saw palmetto flower spike

Next is a saw palmetto plant with green fruit on July 24. The fruit is not ripe yet. They were smaller than a very small grape or olive. This is from the observation
saw palmetto with green fruit

"Saw palmetto blooms between April and July. ... The fruits ripen in September and October." -- from

"As ripening occurs, fruits turn in color from green (May-June) to yellow (mid-August), to orange (September), and then to bluish-black (September-October) when ripe." -- from

"Fruit are orange to black when mature." -- from

So next in my collection of images, I will try to find a saw palmetto with fruit turning yellow then orange then blue/black.

Julkaistu heinäkuu 27, 2021 08:59 IP. käyttäjältä differentdrummer differentdrummer | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
