Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle elokuu 2021

elokuu 31, 2021

Penstemon similar species, part 1: tall plants with one-sided, pink/blue/purple flowers

Summary: these are some of the species of Section Glabri found from Wyoming to New Mexico to Nevada. My goal is to provide a brief account for each species as a quick glance reference. The hotspot of diversity and possible confusion is southern Utah and northern Arizona, where all except a few grow. The archetype of this group is Penstemon virgatus: https://swbiodiversity.org/imglib/h_seinet/seinet/Scrophulariaceae/photos/Penstemon-virgatus-FL-web-N.jpg

Montane forests:
Penstemon cyananthus - densely bearded staminode
Penstemon cyaneus
Penstemon deaveri
Penstemon glaber
Penstemon leiophyllus - short, white hairs on the inside of the upper corolla lobes that look like tiny sugar crystals
Penstemon navajoa
Penstemon neomexicanus
Penstemon nudiflorus
Penstemon putus
Penstemon pseudoputus
Penstemon speciosus - glabrous corollas
Penstemon strictus - woolly anthers
Penstemon virgatus virgatus

Desert, grasslands, and shrublands:
Penstemon commarhenus - extra woolly anthers, linear leaves
Penstemon laevis - glabrous corollas
Penstemon parvus - linear leaves
Penstemon strictiformis - woolly anthers
Penstemon subglaber
Penstemon virgatus asa-grayi (includes the former P unilateralis)

more descriptions will be added

Julkaistu elokuu 31, 2021 07:03 IP. käyttäjältä egordon88 egordon88 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

Penstemon similar species, part 2: wide, leathery leaves

Summary: this a grouping of species that inhabit similar habitats and ranges from Wyoming to New Mexico to Nevada. My goal is to provide a brief account for each species as a quick glance reference. This group is loosely divided from the plants with narrower leaves in part 3. The archetype of this group is Penstemon pachyphylus: https://storage.idigbio.org/portals/seinet/intermt/ENLC/ENLC01/Penstemon_pachyphyllus_var_con_1550003365.jpg

Penstemon acuminatus
Penstemon buckleyi
Penstemon carnosus
Penstemon fendleri
Penstemon immanifestus
Penstemon lentus
Penstemon osterhoutii
Penstemon pachyphylus
Penstemon versicolor

descriptions will be added soon

Julkaistu elokuu 31, 2021 07:05 IP. käyttäjältä egordon88 egordon88 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

Penstemon similar species, part 3: semi-leathery, narrow to wide leaves

Summary: this a grouping of species that inhabit similar habitats and ranges from southern Canada to New Mexico to southern California. My goal is to provide a brief account for each species as a quick glance reference. This group is loosely divided from the plants with wide, leathery leaves in part 2. The archetype of this group is Penstemon angustifolius: https://swbiodiversity.org/imglib/h_seinet/seinet/misc/201412/Penstemon-angustifolius-P-web-_1419369141_web..jpg

Penstemon angustifolius
Penstemon arenicola
Penstemon centranthiafolius
Penstemon confusus
Penstemon grandiflorus
Penstemon haydenii
Penstemon nitidus
Penstemon patens
Penstemon secundiflorus
Penstemon utahensis

descriptions will be added soon

Julkaistu elokuu 31, 2021 07:09 IP. käyttäjältä egordon88 egordon88 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

Penstemon similar species, part 4: white-throated, Colorado and New Mexico

Summary: this a grouping of species that inhabit similar habitats and ranges from central Colorado to southern New Mexico. My goal is to provide a brief account for each species as a quick glance reference. This group does not have the clumping, whorled flowers of Penstemon procerus and rydbergii. The archetype of this group is Penstemon oliganthus: https://swbiodiversity.org/imglib/h_seinet/seinet/Scrophulariaceae/Penstemon_oliganthus_2sf.jpg

Penstemon degeneri
Penstemon griffinii
Penstemon inflatus
Penstemon metcalfei
Penstemon oliganthus
Penstemon pseudoparvus

descriptions will be added soon

Julkaistu elokuu 31, 2021 07:11 IP. käyttäjältä egordon88 egordon88 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

Penstemon similar species, part 5: low-growing in SW deserts and alpine

Summary: this a grouping of species that inhabit similar habitats and ranges from Wyoming to New Mexico to southern California. My goal is to provide a brief account for each species as a quick glance reference. The archetype of this group is Penstemon caespitosus: https://swbiodiversity.org/imglib/h_seinet/seinet/genfield/palexander/set003/Penstemon_caes_14Jun08_9887.jpg

Penstemon abietinus
Penstemon acaulis
Penstemon caespitosus
Penstemon californicus
Penstemon crandalli
Penstemon discolor
Penstemon harbourii
Penstemon linarioides
Penstemon teucrioides
Penstemon thompsoniae
Penstemon yampaensis
Penstemon xylus

descriptions will be added soon

Julkaistu elokuu 31, 2021 07:15 IP. käyttäjältä egordon88 egordon88 | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti