Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle syyskuu 2024

syyskuu 13, 2024

Solidago and Pollinators in September

Goldenrods are at their best in September in Michigan, and I was happy to see a lot of different insects on the goldenrod, including a lifer for me, Polistes dominula! Goldenrods are some of my favorite flowers, mostly because they attract so much wildlife, but they also have a bright color and smell heavenly. I remember seeing my first goldenrods when I was a four/five year old living in New York, and was very excited to learn about them.

I need to get better at IDing this genus, for now most of my observations are at genus level.

Julkaistu syyskuu 13, 2024 09:47 IP. käyttäjältä giannamaria giannamaria | 10 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
