Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle kesäkuu 2021

kesäkuu 12, 2021

Large-billed Crow or Carrion Crow

seeing 10s of new Japanese crow photos a week at inat makes me understand that I know less than I think I do.
I thought i had it sort of figured out with this pair but...sometimes it is hard.
Sure the obvious birds are just that obvious...other than that..

In the field ID is often straightforward. Birds call differently, behaviour can be viewed. This post deals solely with ID from photos, which more often than not seems to be surprisingly hard.

Comparison sites I could find are focused mainly on the obvious differences.
I hope to collect some info here

Carrion Crow Large-billed Crow
ハシボソガラス ハシブトガラス

questions I ask myself:
The curve in the upper mandible could be something to work with
Is the feathering of the saddle an indication?
Tail-width and length seem to be greater with LbC but is it a fact?
What other features could help?

big bill? large tail? This appears to be a Carrion Crow anyway
(the saddle may be a feature)

Julkaistu kesäkuu 12, 2021 07:37 AP. käyttäjältä housecrows housecrows | 3 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti