maaliskuu 3, 2024

Query strings for life stage

Just adding notes for myself here so I can remember how so narrow down a search to show a specific life stage.

Term ID 1 is the Life stage annotation
term_value_id=5 (nymph)

Search for Annotations
&term_id= - the annotation group

1=Life Stage, 9=Sex, 12=Plant Phenology, 17=Alive or Dead, 22=Evidence of Presence
&term_value_id= - the value within the group

Life Stage: 2=Adult, 3=Teneral, 4=Pupa, 5=Nymph, 6=Larva, 7=Egg, 8=Juvenile, 16=Subimago
Sex: 10=Female, 11=Male
Plant Phenology: 13=Flowering, 14=Fruiting, 15=Flower Budding, 21=No Evidence of Flowering
Alive or Dead: 18=Alive, 19=Dead, 20=Cannot Be Determined
Evidence of Presence: 23=Feather, 24=Organism, 25=Scat, 26=Track, 27=Bone, 28=Molt, 29=Gall

Wiki Reference

Search by multiple user license types
Single license queries are already available from the Filters panels. To query for multiple license types:

&photo_license=cc0,cc-by,cc-by-sa (example for all photo licenses accepted by Wikipedia)

&photo_license=cc0,cc-by,cc-by-nc (example for all photo licenses accepted by GBIF)

&sound_license=cc0,cc-by (example for multiple sound licenses)

Use lower-case license parameters to ensure functionality in Identify 61.
The license and licensed API parameters (for observation level licenses) are not currently supported in URLs.
If you want to search for observations that have no photo license (aka all rights reserved), use photo_licensed=false. (unfortunately, there is no corresponding sound_licensed parameter.)
The system default is all observations regardless of license.

Julkaistu maaliskuu 3, 2024 01:44 IP. käyttäjältä jodycb jodycb | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

joulukuu 27, 2023

Trees are hard,especially in winter - Butternuts Edition

My dad is interested in finding some butternut trees. All the ones on the farm have died or are close to dead. That might mean it's not the best place to plant them but he's hoping if we find a drier spot we could get some new ones going. We're pretty sure we solidly ID'd one of the trees as butternut but then were rapidly overcome by self doubt. But I had fund poking around in the woods and flipping logs looking for whatever else was around in Kashong Conservation Area in late December.

We were just looking for them to ID them. Not relocating anything.

Julkaistu joulukuu 27, 2023 03:20 IP. käyttäjältä jodycb jodycb | 8 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

joulukuu 7, 2023

Observations from Black Friday Foray with RAMA

I went on a hike with the Rochester Area Mycological Association on Friday and cannot remember the names for half the things that people identified so a bunch of my observations are still pretty vague. It feels useful to collect them into a post though.

Julkaistu joulukuu 7, 2023 10:49 IP. käyttäjältä jodycb jodycb | 20 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

syyskuu 22, 2023

Looking for Carpenter Bees

I've been out looking for carpenter bees so of course all I'm finding is bumblebees. Found this clump of bumblebees on the ground near some raised beds behind our barn. I assume it's a queen with many "suitors" but I haven't gotten around to looking it up yet.

Julkaistu syyskuu 22, 2023 01:16 IP. käyttäjältä jodycb jodycb | 1 havainto | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

heinäkuu 21, 2018

Looking Closer

Since getting obsessed with iNaturalist again about a week ago after a very long hiatus. I find myself looking just a little bit closer at everything and finding that I see differences in things that I just lumped into one group. It reminds me of when I suddenly recognized that beech drops as their own thing a few years ago. They had always just registered as dead plants on the forest floor. As soon as I saw one, I could see them everywhere and almost couldn't see how I ever could have overlooked them.

Yesterday I was out for a walk and took a photo of a Japanese Beetle because I thought it would just be fun to add it to my iNaturalist collection but I didn't think much about it. It was just a Japanese beetle. They're everywhere.

"Japanese Beetle"

But when I went in to ID it for sure, I realized it was not a Japanese Beetle at all. It seems to be a Dogbane Leaf Beetle, something I didn't even know existed. Suddenly, all greenish metallic beetles aren't just Japanese Beetles anymore.

It's like putting on glasses for the first time when you had no idea your vision was not 20/20.

Julkaistu heinäkuu 21, 2018 08:09 IP. käyttäjältä jodycb jodycb | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

heinäkuu 16, 2018

I'm Back

After four years of not using iNaturalist I'm back. I've been having fun seeing what has changed.

Julkaistu heinäkuu 16, 2018 05:47 IP. käyttäjältä jodycb jodycb | 2 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
