Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle huhtikuu 2017

huhtikuu 8, 2017

April 7th, Red Rocks Park (plus bonus porcupine)

On Friday, April 7th I traveled to Burlington's Red Rocks Park right after class, and prior to skiing. It was very overcast and down pouring and around 40°F. It was fairly windy and the water was choppy along the cliffs and shoreline. The area was deserted of people, which I assume is due to the weather. Under the canopy there was much less wind and rain.

Upon entering the woods and walking a little bit, I heard a very distinctive call. I recognized it, but couldn't place it to a bird. Naturally, I whipped out the binoculars and spent awhile looking around. Although I never found it, upon returning home and going through past bird calls, I clearly identified it as a Red-winged Blackbird. Upon reaching the water, I did see several Ring-billed Gull and Canada Geese. If I had waited for a lightening of rain I probably would have seen more work their way out of the woodwork but, as I was skiing later on, I was strapped for time.

It was worth it, though. At Stowe I lucked out and saw a Porcupine. However, because of the rain/freezing rain/snow/wind/altitude there wasn't any avian life.

One obvious year-round resident that I've noticed both this past winter and every winter at home is the Black-capped Chickadee. Unlike insectivores and nectarivores, Chickadees have adapted their usual diet of spiders and insect to feed on seeds and berries in winter. This adaptable diet allows them to forego migration and instead forage in a snowy and cold environment. They are also known to store reserves of food for later consumption.

Not all species are able to survive on the limited resources found in the Vermont winter, and such species must migrate annually. One such migratory species is the Cedar Waxwing, one of my personal favorites. Around this time of year, they begin migrating north to the lower Canadian provinces from the southern USA and Mexico. Although considered a "year round bird" in much of the USA, during the winter it is very unusual for them to not migrate at least somewhat south, as they're highly specialized in eating fruit. This quest for fruit forces them to find warmer ground where fruits and berries are more abundant. In the summer, this diet is supplemented with protein-rich and nutritious insects. This search for supplemental nutrients and breeding grounds drives them north.

Julkaistu huhtikuu 8, 2017 01:57 AP. käyttäjältä kevtolan kevtolan | 4 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

huhtikuu 21, 2017

April 20th, Centennial Woods

On April, 20th at 2:30 two friends and I went to Centennial Woods. It a cloudy and mild day, at around 50°. Upon entering the woods, we spotted a pair of Downy Woodpeckers which quickly darted away. Further in the woods, we saw a small group of Black-capped Chickadees and a Turkey Vulture souring high above.

Julkaistu huhtikuu 21, 2017 01:19 AP. käyttäjältä kevtolan kevtolan | 3 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

huhtikuu 28, 2017

April 27th, Burlington Country Club

On Thursday, April 27th at around 10:30am a friend and I walked over to the wooded portion of Burlington Country Club (BCC). It was a very warm and slightly breezy day. There was lots of Chickadee chatter throughout the property. We saw the Cardinal and Woodpecker in a large central patch of woods that was surrounded by golfing greens. There were also large amount of various crows, gulls, and other birds.

In addition being more visible than in past months, the birds were much more vocal. A chorus of Chickadees sung throughout the grounds with an abundance on unidentified birds. The Cardinal, while silent, was making itself highly visible on high, bare branches. There were many cavities in trees, which could be used for nesting, and visible nests which seemed to emanate calls, leading us to believe there may be nestlings or an incubating parent in residence. The cavities were likely utilized by cavity nesters, such as Woodpeckers.

I image the quality of territory on the golf course to vary based on species. For instance, birds that live in an edge ecosystem or feed on worms, etc, such as Robins, may fair very well on a golf course. However, birds that live in continuous, mature forests wouldn't find good habitat on a golf course. There is plenty of nesting material available for nest builders. Apart from natural fibers, there are lots of artificial fibers from various golf equipment. For example, fabrics or threads from golfing bags and gloves. There was also a decent amount of dog hair, which is frequently used for nest building, as BCC allows dogs on its premises.

Julkaistu huhtikuu 28, 2017 04:48 IP. käyttäjältä kevtolan kevtolan | 3 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
