Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle huhtikuu 2024

huhtikuu 18, 2024

The City Nature Challenge starts in next Friday!

Hey everyone!

Here we go again - it's that time of year when I tag you all to remind you to participate in the City Nature Challenge! This observation phase of this year's challenge runs from April 26 - April 29 and you have until May 5th to upload and ID your observations.

Like previous years, the challenge area is the county of Philadelphia plus all counties that directly share a border with Philadelphia. This includes Montgomery, Bucks, and Delaware counties in PA and Camden, Gloucester, and Burlington counties in NJ. We had terrible weather last year on all 4 days of the challenge, so our numbers were a little bit lower than usual with just under 15k observations (we usually hit around 20k), 2k species (100-150 lower than usual), and 662 observers (well short of our goal of 1k). Despite the bad weather, @mattparr crossed 500 species which is the first time anyone has done that in the Philly CNC. Hopefully, with better weather this year, we can break some more of our previous records.

I'm tagging all of you here because you are one of the top observers in our region (either during the last CNC, or all-time or recent regional observation leaders) and we would love to have your help in making even more observations during this 4 day period at the end of the month. And to make sure we get as many species as possible, I've made a simple website that shows you all the species that have been reported in our region during April and May, but not yet seen during the CNC: http://targets.cncphilly.org/ (you can currently see the species we missed last year, but I'll be updating it for this year's CNC soon). The species are organized in descending order of how many observations have been made for that species. As people make observations, they will fall off that list every 30 minutes or so.

We would also love your help in spreading the word about the CNC among your family and friends. You can also tag them in the comments here.

Here are some useful links with more info:
Philly CNC website: https://cncphilly.org/
Philly CNC iNat project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2024-greater-philadelphia-area
Main CNC website: http://citynaturechallenge.org/
Last year's results: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2023

Thanks for documenting the biodiversity of our region and we hope you'll help us during the CNC as well.

@srall @mattparr @jameshoughton @seahound @conboy @allisonrhoughton @georgemushkal @that_hippie_chick @nsgilmore @naturejeanne @debbeer @eisnature @heavykevy13 @vorpalvegetable @macneal @average_adam @k_a_christopher @danefroymson @edhawkey @homoaves @go2nature @mark_fallon @hikerbuddy @gardenev @katbird11 @bull1 @jenlesyna @bugsandbirds @rjhcat @phillymycobeth @kmv @mushycarrots @adventurehiker @goodhostplants @linkmdavis @brennafarrell @jstippick @josephthebirder @keimwj @jmole @pachogut @wakk4457 @johnnysap @annebekker @mbwildlife @chippop @brianwhite @maricel-patino @nmacelko2 @arisingunder @sammakler @robizzy @jason310 @dougwechsler @jenovak @augien @liamodo @kdstutzman @evelyntomology @michaelmorris @zroskoph @tomfilip @brittany101 @michaelpirrello @moniquiqui @mikehannisian @maryah @laurenhallden @jhbinaturalist @clearwing_moth @bert_filemyr @elephantspop @underscore1234 @blue_marble @tommymorris17 @selby42 @gong_k @profishing @garlicdog

Julkaistu huhtikuu 18, 2024 03:14 IP. käyttäjältä navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar | 17 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

huhtikuu 26, 2024

We're off the Blocks with a Chilly Morning

Brrr....it's a cold start to the CNC. But the forecast looks way better than last year. Who's ready to go find some wildlife? We're off to a strong start with 34 species already. How many more can we get today? Unfortunately, I can only do the weekend this time, so I'm relying on all of you to go make some extra observations for me. :) Good luck and happy iNatting!

Julkaistu huhtikuu 26, 2024 11:22 AP. käyttäjältä navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar | 2 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

huhtikuu 27, 2024

Day2: Let's improve upon our strong start

We had a pretty good start yesterday. So let's keep that momentum going. After day 1, we have collectively seen over 1000 species and have had 285 people take part! Individually, we have young @petermhoughton leading the observations category with nearly 400 observations, and @conboy with an amazing single-day species tally of 227.

How many more species will we find today? We're still missing a ton of easy species, so it shouldn't be too hard to get to 1.5k species today. See what species we still need at http://targets.cncphilly.org/.

And now that it's the weekend, can we get 500 new people to make an observation? Tell your friends and family to make an account and log a few observations. :)

Good luck everyone!

Julkaistu huhtikuu 27, 2024 10:55 AP. käyttäjältä navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

huhtikuu 28, 2024

Halfway Done!

We're now halfway through the 2024 City Nature Challenge. After a strong start on Friday, we seem to have slowed down considerably. We didn't get to 1500 species, nor did we get to 500 participants. NYC is ahead of us in 2 out of 3 categories, and DC is far ahead of us in all categories. In just the Americas, we're currently at 18th for observations, 15th for species, and 19th for participants. The weather might have had something to do with that - it was cloudy and kinda chilly all day yesterday. But it's going to be warmer today and maybe we'll get some sun.

We still have a lot of fairly easy-to-find species on our needs list. You can see the full list at http://targets.cncphilly.org, but here's a snapshot of our top 50 needed species.

You can visit the site throughout the day today and tomorrow to see what we still need. It updates every 30 minutes and you can also filter by your area of interest.

How have everyone else's two days been so far? I'd love to hear about your experiences, any unexpected things you've found, what you're looking forward to, etc. Similar to last year, my insect count has been low so far. I haven't seen a single butterfly yet even though they were flitting in my yard just the day before the CNC started, Let's see what today has to offer. Happy iNatting, everyone! And let's go, Philly!

Julkaistu huhtikuu 28, 2024 11:05 AP. käyttäjältä navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar | 2 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

huhtikuu 29, 2024

Last day to make your observations!

This is your last chance to make those observations! As the last day begins we stand at 13k observations, 1900 species, and 774 observers.

We still have a few more easy-to-get species and we're still shy of our 1k participant goal. Today is the chance to convince your family, friends, and co-workers to make an account and log at least one observation. :)

Here's a sample of our current top needs list, but you can visit http://targets.cncphilly.org/ to see an auto-refreshing full list.

Julkaistu huhtikuu 29, 2024 01:02 IP. käyttäjältä navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti