Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle tammikuu 2023

tammikuu 2, 2023

In competition with my self and learning in the process

I am clearly seriously hooked.
I started using iNat back in 2019 and only logged 32 species and 45 observations that year.
In 2020 I logged 156 species and 201 observations. Last year in 2021, I thought I did very well with 524 species, and 820 observations. I was quite proud of that achievement and decided to compete with myself to get higher numbers every year.
This year, 2022, I rocked it! I had hoped I would beat my 2021 record, and so I did with flying colours! I logged 1013 species and 1888 observations in 2022!! Yay & Yikes! How on earth am I going to beat this record in 2023? I better roll up my sleeves and get to "work" :)
The most important part, though, is to learn something in the process. I join a few organized outings when I can and always learn a lot when I do. Also, the repetition of seeing the same species and logging them, again and again, is very helpful to the learning process.
I'm excited trying to beat my own 2021 record and seeing how many names, species and families I can remember from previous sightings.
2023, here I come!
My most favourite sighting in 2022 was this one:

Julkaistu tammikuu 2, 2023 10:53 AP. käyttäjältä ninastavlund ninastavlund | 1 havainto | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
