Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle huhtikuu 2024

huhtikuu 25, 2024

Sunset Stroll @ South Horicon Marsh 4-24-24

While I've spent most of my time hiking woods and prairies recently to watch the growth and bloom of the spring ephemerals, I decided I'd like a change of pace!
I live in a wonderful area, about 20 mins from the Horicon Marsh. For those unfamiliar, this 32,000 acre marsh is home to an incredible amount of wildlife, especially birds, and is home to around 100 whooping cranes of the Eastern Migratory Pathway. While whooping cranes were not among my observations last night, I was pleased to have the chance to observe a great blue heron, at least 3 species of ducks (including my favorite, the wood duck), 2 pairs of sandhill cranes, a cormorant, a pelican, and PLENTY of geese!
Overall it was a successful spring venture, and I will return as much as I need to to finally see and photograph some whooping cranes in the wild.

Julkaistu huhtikuu 25, 2024 04:54 IP. käyttäjältä physostegiaalexandra physostegiaalexandra | 7 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
