Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle elokuu 2024

elokuu 18, 2024

The butterflies that I most frequently observe in the forests of Brown County during the month of August

In no particular order:

  • Eastern Gemmed Satyr
  • Red-Banded Hairstreak
  • Northern Pearly Eye

I most commonly see Eastern Gemmed Satyrs near the high points along ridges. They usually are lilting low to the ground in the area.

I most commonly see Red-Banded Hairstreaks along one-lane gravel roads that run through the woods. This is because I usually notice them fleeing a short distance in response to my approach. They exhibit moth-like behavior. Before I knew that Red-Banded Hairstreaks existed, I’m sure I just thought they were moths.

I also usually notice Northern Pearly Eyes flying away in response to my approach. They usually don’t go far.

Julkaistu elokuu 18, 2024 06:07 IP. käyttäjältä rossberryhill rossberryhill | 6 havaintoa | 2 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti