Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle kesäkuu 2023

kesäkuu 1, 2023

June 1, 2023

I've been ill this week and haven't had a chance to go out at all, partially for my own sake and partially to avoid infecting anyone else. Did take a picture of this lichen I'd been meaning to observe while turning in the rent, though.

I'm back to work tomorrow, followed by my weekend, so if I'm up to it I might go exploring. We'll see.

Julkaistu kesäkuu 1, 2023 09:17 IP. käyttäjältä sparky_lurkdragon sparky_lurkdragon | 1 havainto | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

kesäkuu 12, 2023

June 12, 2023

Sadly, the cellar spider web at the mill job appears to have been vacated, at least for now. As if to make up for it, though, I met a bee fly and a California flattened jumping spider today, among others!

Julkaistu kesäkuu 12, 2023 11:58 IP. käyttäjältä sparky_lurkdragon sparky_lurkdragon | 2 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

kesäkuu 17, 2023

June 16th, 2023

Having some bad pain and fatigue days lately, so may or may not be up to a Saturday excursion. We'll see how I am in the morning...

But in happier news, I'm seeing plenty of little zebra jumpers around lately. I love these cute little guys so much.

Julkaistu kesäkuu 17, 2023 02:28 AP. käyttäjältä sparky_lurkdragon sparky_lurkdragon | 2 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

June 16th, 2023, part 2

Well, I didn't feel well enough to go out into nature today beyond the walk home from the bus stop... but nature was kind enough to come to me!

Little friend was caught in a jar, had their portrait taken, and was then released outside, safe from my cat.

Julkaistu kesäkuu 17, 2023 04:24 AP. käyttäjältä sparky_lurkdragon sparky_lurkdragon | 1 havainto | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

kesäkuu 22, 2023

June 21st, 2023

Happy Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice!

One of my jobs cut my hours... again... >_> But it left me some time to go to Veteran's Park. I needed to renew some library books anyway.

The highlights were the night-heron and what I think was a couple of leucistic mallards, and their cohorts the Mallard Loafs, fresh and toasty on the piers, along with some maybe-melaninistic mallards. And of course my first baby ducklings of the season!!

The little scrub jay with the quiet voice who let me get close was super cool, too. Hopefully they learn to be more wary as they get bigger! I also saw a killdeer who Very Definitely Had a Broken Wing Poor Thing, Please Come Eat Me And Ignore The Nest.

Ohhhh and seeing those grebes close enough to maybe ID species was delightful. Finally got a good picture of a pelican, too!

The drumstick and the dead robin were kind of bittersweet. Who knows what ate the whatever-it-was, but as for the robin, it was neat to see his markings up close, but, of course, it's always sad to come across a dead animal. He might well have been one of the little guys I see around, too. And it's concerning that he just seemed to drop dead with no obvious cause... though I suppose the cold snap might have done it.

Either way, I'm sure the pavement ant colony was happy.

Julkaistu kesäkuu 22, 2023 04:11 AP. käyttäjältä sparky_lurkdragon sparky_lurkdragon | 10 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

kesäkuu 25, 2023

June 24, 2023

Went down to Waird Park to read, and found that there was a company picnic of some kind being held. I was given some leftovers, which was nice.

But more importantly: These photos represent Progress for me. I used to be phobic of bees and wasps. Seeing so many of them in one place did make the old terror start to rise, but I took some deep breaths and just watched them for a little.

Superbly beautiful creatures. They just want space, which I was happy to give them. Really pleased with these portraits.

Julkaistu kesäkuu 25, 2023 03:10 AP. käyttäjältä sparky_lurkdragon sparky_lurkdragon | 5 havaintoa | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
