Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle huhtikuu 2012

huhtikuu 7, 2012

Wildlife handling!

For those collecting and transporting animals, reptiles, amphibians and insects. Clean and sanitize your collection bags, containers and snake sticks! Decimation of wildlife is not just caused by those who don't care for our natural world!
Collecting any species of wildlife can lead to Disease and loss of genetic diversity in isolated populations, Not just those that are endangered. Which of course leads to less and less biodiversity and that also leads to collapse of ecosystems, even those who live in the city are tied to mother nature! So don't think that you are safe!
Care of our planet starts with each of us, Not federal regulations! Always wash your hands before and after handling wildlife. Fungus can be transferred from you to a snake for example and if you let that snake go it will have to deal with a fungus it has never had or would have come into contact with. It may have no immunity to it!
There are more bacteria and fungus cells on and in your body than cells that actually make up you!
Seeds and mud transferred on your shoes or the vehicle you drove into an area can also introduce new species of plants and bacteria to places where maybe they wouldn't have naturally.
Stay vigilent on keeping collecting tools clean especially if you just plan on catching and taking a picture then releasing back into the environment! You don't want that picture you take to be the last one!

Julkaistu huhtikuu 7, 2012 03:35 IP. käyttäjältä tropicexposure tropicexposure | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
