Southwest Nature Preserve, 7 June 2020

This walk was sort of a "test drive" for an idea in which I would visit about weekly, stopping at several predetermined destinations and observe for five minutes (and I would record observations in between as well).

First stop: 10:00am, 32*39'40"N; 97*13'25"W - pollinator meadow at a bench under a cedar elm. I took some reference photos of surrounding vegetation, including a Silverleaf Nightshade growing up through the grid of the bench. There is a mixture of Galliardia, Mexican Hats, some Lemon Beebalm, and Johnson Grass.

Second stop: 10:24am, 32*39'43"N; 97*13'21"W, 600 feet elevation. 84*F, 44%RH. This was the smallest pond, with water level getting low and tremendous growth of Water Primrose at the margins. Reference photos should show oak, Little Bluestem, Hedge Parsley, other plants. A nearby Northern Cardinal was calling "cheer-cheer-cheer-chip-chip chip-chip" (recorded)

Walking to the trailhead I photographed a Blue Jay.

Third stop: 10:50am, 32*39'47"N; 97*13'21"W, 650 feet elevation. 85*F, 44%RH. I stopped a few feet off the trail on a rogue trail, in oak woodland with closed canopy. The sky is mostly clear, with a few puffy clouds and very little breeze. There is very little breeze. Photos will show Virginia Creeper, Poison Ivy, Blackjack Oak and I believe Post Oak, with yucca, Bull Nettle, honeysuckle and other plants. There is a nearby funnel-web spider.

Fourth stop: 11:10am, 32*39'52"N; 97*13'18"W, 670 feet elevation. 88*F, 44%RH. This spot is on the ridge, where the small loop trail begins - it is a tiny pocket prairie of Little Bluestem. Photos of oak, juniper, Engelmann's Daisy, a small Mesquite, prickly pear, other plants. A Great Egret flew past nearby, and birdcalls may have been from a chickadee.

Fifth stop: 11:36am, 32*39'53"N; 97*13'9"W, 650 feet elevation. 95*F, 47%RH. I am setting the thermometer in shade each time, but here in the yucca meadow the best I could find was in a little shade from a shrubby little oak. The Comanche Harvester Ants are active around the opening to the colony but probably not out foraging. Observed honeybees in beebalm, a couple of large yellow and brown banded Polistes wasps, a Widow Skimmer dragonfly, and a small tan grasshopper. I recorded some insect choruses.

The last stop was a possible alternative location but no photos or observations today. It is at 32*39'50"N; 97*13'13"W, 640 feet elevation. This was just off the trail east of the boulders in a small glade of wildflowers and Glen Rose Yucca. Opposite the trail is a sumac thicket.

Julkaistu kesäkuu 7, 2020 08:44 IP. käyttäjältä drawntoscales drawntoscales


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