Presentation on iNaturalist... Having some trouble!

So, I'm giving a presentation on iNaturalist to my chapter of Texas Master Naturalists on Monday... I've probably given like 100 presentations through my career/college days, but I'm having the most difficult time putting this one together! There's SO much I want to say about my new obsession of iNat, but I can't quite find an appropriate way to spit it all out. :)

So, I think rather than giving a "how to use iNat" presentation, I think I'll just focus on what I've gained from using it. I've gained a tremendous amount of knowledge, no doubt about that. I've become interested in more of nature -- not being so narrowly focused towards plants and becoming aware of the entire ecosystem...

But perhaps just as important, I've developed some pretty neat friendships with naturalists. This has truly enriched my life!

I suppose I'll just give some links on where folks can go to learn to use iNat, perhaps I'll give some handouts, and I'll just gush on how cool iNat is... for an hour. :)

Julkaistu syyskuu 17, 2015 03:37 IP. käyttäjältä sambiology sambiology


I can relate! Preach on brother Sam! Preach on!

Lähettänyt mchlfx melkein 9 vuotta sitten

And, it's a great way to gain volunteer hours. :) I really hope they pick it up. iNaturalist is good for so many different reasons. It has even helped me in understanding Euphorbias more with the numerous observations I see all the time. There are so many different reasons to love this site. Good luck on condensing it to an hour. :)

Lähettänyt nathantaylor melkein 9 vuotta sitten

That sounds like a great approach! If you focus on what you get out of it and others identify with that awesomeness, then they'll be motivated to figure it out. You can still add in some how-to elements as appropriate.

Lähettänyt carrieseltzer melkein 9 vuotta sitten

It is hard, I tried to do that for our chapter newsletter and ended up with a 3/4 page handout that tells a bit about our projects on iNat and links to the training video. I know you'll do a great handout for the program, Sam, but if you'd like a copy of the one I made for our chapter, just let me know and I'll send it to you. It's in word, and is easily modified.

Lähettänyt cgritz melkein 9 vuotta sitten

I gather that you like it!

Lähettänyt traildog13 melkein 9 vuotta sitten

How'd it go?

Lähettänyt carrieseltzer melkein 9 vuotta sitten

It went...pretty good, I think! :) 72 folks showed up, and I gushed over how awesome iNat is. If you're interested, I can post my outline/talking points of the presentation in another journal entry. I ended up making it more personal than a "how to." It was fun! :)

Lähettänyt sambiology melkein 9 vuotta sitten

I was sorry to miss it, Sam, but I heard about how great it was, and you definitely made converts to join iNat! I've been trying to get our group members to join but it's been slow going. You just helped convince some that it's a good, fun thing! Thanks!

Lähettänyt cgritz melkein 9 vuotta sitten

Great! You should definitely share your outline!

Lähettänyt carrieseltzer melkein 9 vuotta sitten

I would love to see your outline.

Lähettänyt mchlfx melkein 9 vuotta sitten

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