Humblebees 🐝

There is something attractive, real attractive to the Brown– belted Bumblebee, 🐝 and that is something sticky, sweet, and something irresistible. NECTAR! “The clovers are calling and I must go” is the number one saying of the bumblebee! One look at the clover and they’re dive bombing it! We know that when bees receive nectar they get some thing else too — pollen! And when they travel to the next flower they carry the pollen with them as well. As they dive onto the next flower the the pollen immediately sticks onto the stigma! Sometime later, seeds are formed because the pollen was transferred from one flower to another. But there is a valuable lesson that we can learn from this. God has called us to be like bumblebees. He has a work for each one of us. First of all he wants us to get to know him. His word is like nectar. It is sweeter than honey from the honeycomb. It bring life to our souls. It makes us happy to know that we have a friend who forgives us. But when we come to get the nectar there’s something else we get — and that is the pollen. Pollen is like the seeds of truth which are found in the Bible. And wherever we go we carry the gospel with us. The bee dispersed the pollen as he traveled from flower to flower. Wherever we are we can always spread God’s love. It may even produce seeds. (Fruit) In the same way the flowers can produce good things like fruits or seeds so our characters produce good things. We can produce the Fruits of the Spirit! The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (See Galatians 5:22,23) We should use every opportunity for good. “ In the morning sow you seed and in the evening do not withhold your hand; For you do not know which will prosper, either this or that, Or whether both alike will be good” (Ecclesiastes 11:6) We do not know who might be impacted by the seeds of truth that we have to share. That is why we share the love of God with all whom we come into contact with. Christ’s character can be shown in us by our words and unselfish actions. We can be humble like the bumblebees, faithfully doing the work that God has given us.

Julkaistu tammikuu 24, 2022 11:06 IP. käyttäjältä prestonthomas prestonthomas


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Kesäkuu 20, 2021 11:13 EDT


Love humblebees!

Lähettänyt optilete yli 2 vuotta sitten

Thanks so much for the great message, I needed to hear that! Love bumblebees!

Lähettänyt nflicker101 yli 2 vuotta sitten

Glad you were blessed!

Lähettänyt prestonthomas yli 2 vuotta sitten

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