Waterfowl, Union Bay Natural Area, 5/29

The waterfowl found in UBNA can be just as diverse as the song birds. They are usually out in the morning through afternoon and have a few spots where it is almost guaranteed to see at least two or three different birds. Union Bay is right on the edge of Union Bay, which flows out of Lake Union, and has two ponds within the forested areas of the land. The marshy wetland and protected habitats are perfect for birds and since the restoration of UBNA they have been living in the area since.

At the entrance of UBNA there were two mallards on sitting on a log making noises at each other and occasionally climbing into the water to dive below the surface looking for food. Mallards are the most common waterfowl in the world and can be found just about anywhere. Males have the green coloring, mostly on their heads, while females are brown with spots of black on their wings. One interesting fact about mallards that I had never heard before is that during mating season if a male did not find a mate then they gather together with other single males and find a female to take turns mating with, resembling a gang rape. This is not a common behavior for any other waterfowl just mallard and happens every season.

Another species that can be seen all over the region is the Canada Goose. In this area they are very domestic and are not afraid of people. On the lawns on campus there is goose poop all over, especially around Drumheller fountain. There are 11 different species of this goose and is commonly referred to as the cackling goose.

One bird that can usually be seen is the Bufflehead duck. It is the smallest duck in the northwest and has unique color markings on its head including purple and green except for a white patch on the very top of its head. During mating season males extend all of their feathers to attract females and they only have one mate. The bufflehead duck is a migratory bird and will appear in this region during the winter, while they mate in Canada or Alaska.

Species List:

Canada Goose
Great Blue Heron
Cinnamon Teal

Julkaistu kesäkuu 2, 2012 02:42 IP. käyttäjältä karavanslyck karavanslyck


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