Great job on the Observation Phase, on to the ID phase!

That was fun and exciting, and maybe a little exhausting, wasn't it? We had a great time documenting our biodiversity. There's so much wildlife in and around Philadelphia, and we thank you for helping us document it and holding our own against other cities around the world. We're now at just over 14k observations, 1955 taxa (1683 ID'd all the way to species), and 847 observers. A bit behind our numbers from last year, but let's see how much more we can get!

While the observations phase might be done, it's time to ID all of the photos that we have in our project. And also upload any photos you still have. We have until the end of Sunday, May 8th to upload and ID all the observations we documented over the weekend.

To start IDing observations, from the project main page, click Observations and then Identify. Or go straight here. You can filter taxa by whatever you are good at IDing. Good at plants? Filter by Plants. Birds? Same thing. If you're not an expert at any particular taxon, no problem, help us ID all the 'unknown' observations. You don't need to ID them all to species. If an Unknown is a plant, you can apply the label plants and anyone who is looking at just plants will be able to find it and narrow it down further. Try to get as specific as you can though. If you think a plant is an oak, ID it as an oak.

Here are some links to help you get started IDing observations that are not ID'd to species yet:
Unknown observations
Fungi and lichen
Reptiles and Apmibians

Happy identifying!

Julkaistu toukokuu 4, 2022 11:04 AP. käyttäjältä navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar


Definitely fun and exhausting!

Lähettänyt srall yli 2 vuotta sitten

That was exciting! Thank you for organizing this. I didn't get as many observations as I'd hoped, but I have a couple days' worth of photos in backlog to upload. I'll get to identifying as much as I can when I have some free time. Good job, Philly!

Lähettänyt pinefrog yli 2 vuotta sitten

@srall I bet! In just two days here you have double the observations of second place as well as the most species. And you are first in NYC for observations as well! How on earth do you do it?

@mbwildlife I'm glad you were able to take part. Every bit counts.

Lähettänyt navin_sasikumar yli 2 vuotta sitten

LOL, 16.5 hours of fieldwork, an average of 4 photos a minute yielding 3 usable observations (because I literally point and shoot from the hip). And many of those photos barely qualify as "usable". The CNC is a highlight of my year.

Lähettänyt srall yli 2 vuotta sitten

@srall 4 photos a minute?? Wow! Even if I didn't have to process and upload the photos, I don't think I could do that.

Lähettänyt navin_sasikumar yli 2 vuotta sitten

It's the labeling that kills me...

Lähettänyt srall yli 2 vuotta sitten

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