Mt. Watatic: Let's Try Again Aug. 27th

Since we got rained out over the 4th of July weekend for an iNaturalist gathering, @radbackedsalamander, @pat_huckery_masswildlife, and I thought we'd try again for August 27th. Please join us - and let's hope it doesn't rain! Here's a repeat of much of what I said before the July date:

You all are invited to climb Mount Watatic in Ashby/Ashburnham, MA on Sunday, August 27th. The plan is to meet at the eastern summit (the big ledges with a view to the east) around noon, eat our lunches, meet each other, and make loads of observations. There might be dragonflies hill-topping, for example. Or interesting grasshoppers. Certainly there will be Sibbaldiopsis and Red Spruce and Turkey Vultures (maybe Black Vultures?) and grasses I'll never be able to identify. I'll figure out some way to make it obvious where exactly to meet - maybe an iNaturalist flag?

Whatever organisms we find there, it's a beautiful view from a mountain that's now mostly protected by a coalition of conservation groups; take a look at the map at the bottom of this article to see what's protected there:

Logistics: This isn't an organized hike where we all start at the same place at the same time; you are free to start whenever and wherever you want to. Depending on which way you go up, it can be a steep hike, but a relatively short one. To my knowledge, there are no facilities like porta-potties at any of the trailheads. Dogs are permitted on leash. There are four parking spots I know of:

DCR Ashburnham State Forest, off Rt. 119, more or less opposite Old Pierce Road. This area has limited parking for about 15 cars, which often fills up quickly. Sometimes, people park on Old Pierce Road itself.

On Rt. 119 itself, a little east of the DCR lot. This is a paved pull-off with maybe 8 spots.

MassWildlife Ashby WMA, off Rt. 119 to the east of pull-off right on Rt. 119. This spot is shown as a P on the map I linked to above; there's a blue MassWildlife sign there. Parking for probably 8 cars.

MassWildlife Ashby WMA, at the end of Watatic Mountain Road in Ashby. This is at the end of the woods road at the end of the paved road, and there's only parking for 2 cars here.

While everyone is invited, here I'm going to mention people I think might be particularly interested: @adamkohl, @agave6_tomwalker, @bkatzenberg, @btk, @cbuelow45, @ceiseman, @cpellegrini, @davidhsmall, @deparia1950, @jackcadwell, @janice22s, @jcarm, @julie_richburg1, @karro_frost, @maygrz, @mohale, @mtjones, @naturalist2073, @stevemirick, @stevetobin, @threepogonias, @tmurray74.

Julkaistu elokuu 4, 2023 02:06 IP. käyttäjältä lynnharper lynnharper


@matthew883 This was the event I was talking about if you'll be around.

Lähettänyt radbackedsalamander noin 1 vuosi sitten

@taikarami This is the event I mentioned to you. Hope you can make it!

Lähettänyt karro_frost noin 1 vuosi sitten

@karro_frost @lynnharper @pat_huckery_masswildlife Curious on what time you guys will be there. I know that this is a "go up at your own pace" kind of hike though I wouldn't mind hiking with someone else. @flamingninetales77 and I were tentatively planning for starting the hiking at 10:45-11.

Lähettänyt radbackedsalamander noin 1 vuosi sitten

@radbackedsalamander, Pat and I aren't organized yet! I'll try to remember to get back to you once Pat and I connect.

Lähettänyt lynnharper noin 1 vuosi sitten

@radbacked salamander, I haven't been able to get hold of Pat (I know she was extremely busy yesterday), but I'm planning to start hiking around 10, from the northern side of the mountain, not Rt. 119. So I guess I'll see you up on top!

Lähettänyt lynnharper noin 1 vuosi sitten

Ah see you at the top then!

Lähettänyt radbackedsalamander noin 1 vuosi sitten

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