Paropioxys negus Distant, 1906

Paropioxys negus is one of about twenty species of Paropioxys described from Africa. In South Africa it occurs together with the very similar Paropioxys jucundus (= P. gloriosus), from which it differs by the usually bronzy or olive brown tegmina, the brown hindwings, and most noticably by a broad black transverse band at the anterior margin of the head continuing onto the basal margin of the frons. In contrast, P. jucundus only has a few small spots in front of the eyes and is usually greenish in color. The color of the forewings may be subject to variation, however, and the the markings on the face should be more reliable for identification. Additionally, both species have only two dark spots on the top of the head between the eyes (as opposed to 4 in some similar species).

Paropioxys negus has been recorded from South Africa, Namibia, and Ethiopia, indicating that it probably has a fairly broad distribution.

Description from Distant, 1906:
Head and thorax above ochraceous, vertex with the anterior margin and two spots near base black; pronotum with a transverse series of four black spots; mesonotum with two small transverse linear spots on anterior margin, four discal subtransverse spots, and a spot near apex, black; abdomen above pale sanguineous, slightly greyishly tomentose and tinged with ochraceous on basal half; face stramineous with the basal margin black; clypeus ochraceous, black at base and with a central longitudinal sanguineous line; anterior and intermediate legs pale ochraceous, coxæ, trochanters, the whole of posterior legs, and abdomen beneath, sanguineous; tarsi black, the base of apical joint sanguineous; tegmina tawny brown, more palely finely maculate and paler on costal and apical areas, four large spots on costal area, two on inner area, and a double series (some 15 in number) of apical spots black; wings bronzy brown, fuscous on apical area, where there are nine or ten marginal black spots, and subviolaceous on posterior and anal margins; anterior tibiæ dilated, much spotted with black, and with a sanguineous apical spot


Julkaistu maaliskuu 4, 2024 05:29 IP. käyttäjältä psyllidhipster psyllidhipster


Additionally I've put together a quick chart that summarizes relative head/pronotum/mesonotum characters among the species in this genus to help facilitate easier identification (wing characters not included because they're harder to quantity, but description of wings can be used to disambiguate similar species):

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