Projektin 2024 CNC Northern Rocky Mountain Biodiversity Challenge (NRMBC) Päiväkirja

Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle huhtikuu 2024

huhtikuu 3, 2024

News You Can Use

1) The 2024 CNC has over 500 projects! So, since a CNC iNaturalist umbrella project can only host 500 individual projects, the 2024 is being split into two umbrella projects covering two geographical regions by continent:

North and South America

Eurasia, Africa and Oceania

2) The CNC website has really been improved:

Make sure to check out the all the menu links, especially the FAQ and the new Events link. The Events page has links to upcoming online training opportunities. Here is a link to a great organizer training video:

3) Remember: if you ever have any questions, the place to ask them is the iNaturalist forum:

-Be sure to utilize the search button in the top right! If you have a “how do I….” question about iNaturalist, there’s a really good chance someone has already asked that question
-iNaturalist may create a City Nature Challenge specific category for the event (they have in the past), but if they don’t, just be sure to ask your question in the right category – the two most likely categories would be:
-General: for those “how do I…” questions that haven’t already been asked or answered
-Bug Reports: if you think you’re experiencing a technical issue, add it to this category and be sure to describe it in detail and add screenshots where applicable!

4) If you are having major problems with iNaturalist during the CNC that can’t be/aren’t answered in the Forum, send an email to:

5) To see the results from last year, go here:

Julkaistu huhtikuu 3, 2024 04:13 AP. käyttäjältä quovadis quovadis | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

huhtikuu 20, 2024

7 days to go before the CNC, and the ecoregional NRMBC which happens at the same time.

For the first time in Idaho, I've been given permission to organize 10 "official" projects that encompass the Panhandle Counties:

Big props go to the co-organizer in Coeur d'Alene, which is participating for a 2nd time, and to the
Moscow organizer of a combined Moscow-Pullman project (Palouse region):

And, of course, the other official projects in Southern Idaho have to be given huge props - they are Amazing!
-Ada County:
-Canyon County:

Maybe one day, (next year?) we can find folks to organize for all the counties of the Central and Southeastern Regional Districts in British Columbia*, Northeastern Washington, Northeastern Oregon, Northwestern Montana*, and Northwestern Wyoming.

*Props to the sole official Montana project:
City Nature Challenge 2024: Lincoln County, MT

*And props to the always Outstanding Central BC project: City Nature Challenge 2024: Thompson-Nicola Regional District


Again, here are the 2 umbrella projects for the world. This is the first time it's been split, and it owes to the vastly expanding projects being created around the world:
-North & South America Umbrella Project
-Eurasia Africa Oceania


As I continue to countdown, I want to especially highlight other CNC projects that I've found to be most impressive. From the beginning, 4 years ago, I discovered the City Nature Challenge, Surrey BC project:

What is so impressive is that the city encourages the incorporation of community science (iNaturalist) observations into its overall strategy to identify and protect areas of biodiversity.
Here are the "Biodiversity Design Guidelines" that provide recommended actions to support the implementation of Surrey’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy:

This is accompanied by:


It would be interesting to compare city biodiversity plans to the (Singapore) City Biodiversity Index:

This should be the gold standard by with all cities are evaluated:
"What is the City Biodiversity Index? The City Biodiversity Index (CBI) - also known as the Singapore Index on Cities’ Biodiversity (SI) - is a self-assessment tool for cities to evaluate and monitor the progress of their biodiversity conservation efforts against their own individual baselines. Based on the original handbook (, the tool has been digitized by CitiesWithNature, to promote and enable cities to undertake their monitoring and reporting on biodiversity and nature.

"Part 01:
Profile of the city The profile of the city will include important general information on the city, and in particular, details of the biodiversity found within, in order to set the background of the city and to place the city’s evaluation for the Index in the proper perspective. It is important that other information not captured in the indicators be provided to give a more holistic picture of the native biodiversity that can be found in the city.

"Part 02:
28 Indicators The 28 indicators that measure native biodiversity, ecosystem services provided by biodiversity, and governance and management of biodiversity based on guidelines and methodology provided in the Handbook on the Singapore Index on Cities’ Biodiversity."

Julkaistu huhtikuu 20, 2024 04:00 AP. käyttäjältä quovadis quovadis | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

huhtikuu 30, 2024

End of Day 4

Bonner County, ID:

Panhandle Counties (10 "official" projects):

Wild Ones Nothern Rockies Chapter:

All 106 CNC NRMBC projects:

Preliminary results will be shared ASAP. Final results, after the coming week to finish uploading observations made between 4/26-29, will be announced on 5/6. Check out the Facebook page for screenshots;

No surprises in the Top 3 in all 3 categories (Observers, Species and Observations) for the CNC NRMBC: 1) City Nature Challenge 2024: Division 6, AB (Calgary); 2) City Nature Challenge 2024: Ada County (Boise); and 3) City Nature Challenge 2024: Division 11, AB (Edmonton).

They, after all, have the biggest populations. However, when adjusted for population, the order reveals a different story. It's fascinating to see which projects have engaged the population most effectively, and then to try to discover what they have done that can be replicated elsewhere.

It's also fascinating to see who is making the most observations, and all the different species on the landscape now. As the temperature warms, more and different species will be observed.

All those observations will be captured in the upcoming Summer and Fall 2024 NRMBCs. Links to those projects available in mid-May.

Julkaistu huhtikuu 30, 2024 06:51 IP. käyttäjältä quovadis quovadis | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti
