Projektin City Nature Challenge 2018: Chicago Wilderness Region Päiväkirja

Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle joulukuu 2017

joulukuu 2, 2017

Welcome to the City Nature Challenge 2018: Chicago!

Welcome to the City Nature Challenge 2018: Chicago! While we settle into winter (I'm already eagerly awaiting baby spring wildflower sprouts) I thought I'd put some information out here introducing the challenge, as well as some feelers to see if anyone is interested in organizing an event during the challenge timeframe.

What is the City Nature Challenge?
The City Nature Challenge (CNC) is a friendly bioblitz-style competition between urban areas all around the world. It began in 2016 between just Los Angeles and San Francisco and has since expanded worldwide, with 65 cities on 5 continents so far planning on participating in 2018. The Challenge aims to engage city residents and visitors in documenting urban nature using iNaturalist to better understand our urban biodiversity. Anyone can take part. Just upload observations of animals, plants, fungi, and other creatures to iNaturalist using the mobile app or website. It’s a fun and easy way to learn about urban nature while simultaneously adding your observations of nature to iNaturalist's global biodiversity database. The official website is, but it's still under construction for 2018 as different cities join the project.

It runs from Friday, April 27th through Monday, April 30th, 2018. A full 96 hours of pure nature nerdery.

What the...that's so far from now. How am I ever going to remember to participate?
Join this project and you'll get pinged on iNat when there are project updates.

But is it just in Chicago? I don't live in Chicago.
No! Last year we limited the challenge to Cook County, Illinois but this year we've opted to expand to the entire Chicago Wilderness region to be more in line with other metro areas acreages and populations. View the homepage of this project for a map of the CW region. It's big!

How can I participate?
-log observations on iNaturalist using the app or directly at as you already do
-help other folks identify their observations
-attend an event during the CNC
-organize an event during the CNC
-incorporate the use of iNaturalist into your existing activities, whether as an educator, during a habitat restoration workday, or when your niece tells you about the cool roly poly she found
-promote the CNC/iNaturalist among your audiences

So...did we win in 2017?
Well...the challenge took place in early April and we were competing against subtropical cities, so I'll let you guess, but you can see last year's leaderboard here, as well as a summary of results here. We did have 2555 observations of 532 species made by 144 different people which is pretty amazing! We also won the prize of "City with highest percentage of verifiable observations making it to Research Grade." Fit that on a trophy.

How is this any different from how I already use iNaturalist?
It's not too different, but you may notice an influx of new users during the timeframe of the challenge. I'm really hoping some folks will organize public events during the challenge timeframe. Maybe meet some of your iNat friends in person! That could be a mini bioblitz at your favorite park, an identification party, a wildflower walk, a bird nerdout, or a log-flipping fiesta. What do you think?

@adye @aleksandra3 @amendez @andrewstpaul @andriy @ashleywold @astake @bmorrisett @brendan20 @bwagner @cardnoclare @caseyaceae @charles18 @chi_kid_naturalists @citymouse @cpdlauren @cqlanus @d_coulter @danders4 @dbild @debantlitz @dorothybayern @dougtaron @droberts49 @dsuarez @dylanfaughn @eattaway92 @ekrimmel @elfaulkner @eriko @evan8 @evelyngarcia @ewarden @flexfolks @hikebikerun13 @hollykatz @irmela @isaac_krone @jackassgardener @jamie53 @janebaldwin @jeanfrancoisroch @jeffcramer @jetteth @jilldoub @jmpatton @joelle @jordan64 @jvreeland @kathleensoler @kennedy9094 @kevinwhiteloyola @kiara4 @kjack125 @kumar2 @lala @lifeondakinstreet @martinlucas @maxclifford @mepatter @michellerabkin @missgreen @mjdiaz5 @molanic @mtienes @nfurlan @nicole117 @nuthatch75 @prairieclover @psweet @randyshonkwiler @reptilianreprobate @rgraveolens @rheinrichs @rlevine @sanguinaria33 @saucerful @scoobbi @scottmohan @shannon63 @skrentnyjeff @spices_july_2005 @tamandua2 @timidlittleturtle @xyz

Julkaistu joulukuu 2, 2017 12:47 AP. käyttäjältä bouteloua bouteloua | 8 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti