Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle marraskuu 2020

marraskuu 30, 2020

Adding life stages to the project

I have noticed recently that many observations have been added to the project with the life stage 'egg'. This is presumably because the first in the list of life stages is 'egg'. If the adjacent 'add' is clicked, then the life stage will be 'egg'. To avoid this happening, I have added 'adult' as an option and this appears first in the list. If it is an adult, it is not required to add 'adult' here, but it is better to add 'adult' than 'egg'.

Julkaistu marraskuu 30, 2020 02:51 IP. käyttäjältä swhitebread swhitebread | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti