Projektin Moths of Oklahoma Päiväkirja

Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle heinäkuu 2020

heinäkuu 18, 2020

National Moth Week has begun

“It’s the moth wonderful time of the year!” Thanks to Leah @leahn19 for the lyrics :)

National Moth Week begins today July 18 and ends July 26. With the pandemic going on we’re not doing any large gatherings this year, but I do hope lots of people will be looking for moths around their homes and posting their observations to iNaturalist. We did really well in Oklahoma last year.

This morning I was walking down the sidewalk in front of my house and a Euchaetes caterpillar crossed the path in front of me. I’ve decided that is a good omen for the beginning of moth week. Here’s to many moth observations!

If you’d like to join the the official project, you can find it here:
Even if you don’t join the project, your observations will still be collected by the project.

Julkaistu heinäkuu 18, 2020 04:53 IP. käyttäjältä zdufran zdufran | 1 kommentti | Jätä kommentti

heinäkuu 31, 2020

National Moth Week recap and a new banner!

Despite not having any open/public moth nights for National Moth Week this year we did pretty well in Oklahoma. As of now there have been 1,750 observations submitted within the state from 74 different observers for a total of 482 species! For comparison, last year we had 1,534 observations from 75 observers for a total of 407 species.

Thanks to Alex Harman for submitting observations from Black Mesa State Park. Check out this first iNat record of Doll's Sphinx in the state of Oklahoma!

A few of us did a small moth night at the Forest Heritage Center at Beavers Bend State Park and recorded 129 species in one night. About 40 of these were new species for me personally. It was a lot of fun and I wish it had been safe to invite the general public to attend. Hopefully next year it will be safe to do so.

Rick Parker created an awesome new banner for our project, spelling out MOTHS OF OKLAHOMA using his own photos of moths! How cool is this?

Julkaistu heinäkuu 31, 2020 06:55 IP. käyttäjältä zdufran zdufran | 1 kommentti | Jätä kommentti