Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle tammikuu 2018

tammikuu 12, 2018

NYBG EcoQuest January 2018 – Week One


January 1–7
The temperatures never got above freezing for the first week of the year, but three hardy naturalists made eight Sweetgum observations in New York City. Learn more about Sweetgum from the NYC EcoFlora species treatment. See herbarium records and photos from the mid-Atlantic region here. Use these resources to identify Sweetgum trees in your neighborhood.

Observations: 8
Places: Manhattan, 4; Bronx, 4.
Observers: @kenchaya, 4; @themez, 3, @laura622, 1.

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Julkaistu tammikuu 12, 2018 12:15 AP. käyttäjältä danielatha danielatha | 0 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti

tammikuu 15, 2018

NYBG EcoQuest January 2018 – Week Two


January 1–14
Most of the seeds have been dispersed from the fruit by now, but the numerous fruit cavities may shelter a variety of insects. Look here for bird and squirrel tracks heading toward a Sweetgum grove on Wards Island. A mass of fallen Sweetgum balls may not please some people, but to a hungry animal in winter they may be very important.

Observations: 86
Places: Bronx, 48; Manhattan, 28; Brooklyn, 6; Staten Island, 3; Queens 1.
Observers (13): @mjstrauss21, 23; @elizajsyh, 14; @susanhewitt, 12; @kenchaya, 9; @sadawolk, 9.

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Julkaistu tammikuu 15, 2018 04:48 IP. käyttäjältä danielatha danielatha | 1 kommentti | Jätä kommentti

tammikuu 22, 2018

NYBG EcoQuest January 2018 – Week Three


January 1–21
The American Sweetgum is sometimes planted as a street tree, but the abundant fruits can be nuisance. However, they are an excellent choice for plantings in woodlands as they are disease resistant and have so many ecological benefits. The area around Bronx Park has several natural stands. So far, only two observations have been logged from Queens.

Observations: 170
Places: Bronx, 107; Manhattan, 44; Brooklyn, 10; Staten Island, 6; Queens 2.
Observers (13): @mjstrauss21, 37; @elizajsyh, 28; @danielatha, 24; @susanhewitt, 14; @kenchaya, 14.

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Julkaistu tammikuu 22, 2018 06:14 IP. käyttäjältä danielatha danielatha | 1 kommentti | Jätä kommentti