Projektin Washington County Explorers Päiväkirja

Päiväkirja-arkisto kohteelle joulukuu 2020

joulukuu 3, 2020

November review

Due to a glitch which wiped out a chunk of data, we did unfortunately lose a couple thousand observations and maybe 80 or so species. But we are recovering a and I hope that the admins can fix it. I unfortunately did not make 300 observations but did make 200. I want to remind you all to be on the lookout for rare birds moving through the county this month. Lets make this a great December and get to 34/35k observations.

Julkaistu joulukuu 3, 2020 02:42 AP. käyttäjältä chrisleearm chrisleearm | 8 kommenttia | Jätä kommentti