Taxonomic Swap 126998 (Tehty 12-06-2023)

When B. sonorus is treated as a distinct species, as is currently the case on iNat (consistent with Ascher & Pickering 2022), B. pensylvanicus becomes monotypic, so this subspecies is no longer necessary. The small handful of IDs of it correspond to the exact same concept as iNat's current B. pensylvanicus (and in the event of a re-lump of sonorus could be easily reassigned to B. p. pensylvanicus). (This taxon change should've taken place simultaneously with taxon change 15750 in 2016, which, in swapping B. p. sonorus 313870 [added at the same time as the nominate subspecies in 2013] into B. sonorus, made the nominate subspecies superfluous.)

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Lisännyt maxkirsch kesäkuu 12, 2023 11:09 IP. | Tallentanut maxkirsch kesäkuu 12, 2023
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