Taxonomic Swap 143474 (Tehty 31-05-2024)

Synonimised. There is a bit of a mess on Afromoths with regards to references.

The reference to move lemniscata to Popoudina is here -

The reference to synonimise lemniscata with linea is ??? It definitely is not in the JJ de Freina reference used by Afromoths (which only deals with the genus Amata).

Anyway, the sinking into linea is accepted by Afromoths, so I'm going to swap it here. This taxonomy may change in future...

Afromoths (Viittaus) | Karoopixie Lepis
Lisännyt karoopixie toukokuu 24, 2024 12:53 IP. | Tallentanut karoopixie toukokuu 31, 2024
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